Fight Cancer! (And help me score!)


My girlfriend (I swear she’s real!) is doing “Relay for Life” this year. Her goal is an embarrassing 125.00. She promises to do all sorts of biblically-forbidden things to me if we can hit a thousand dollars. Some of them too horrible/awesome to mention. But trust me…they are horrible/awesome.

She will also wear any bullshido-themed apparel we provide, as long as it will not get her arrested.

Please my brethren…Help Scrapper out! I beg of you! I will take pictures of the event (the relay, not the sex, assholes!) and it will make us look all cool and civic-minded!

The link is here.

Donate and help me…er…be naughty!

erg…fixed link…

Gimme a computer stupid’s walkthrough of how to donate, and I’ll throw something on the line for you.

1: Click the link
2: Click the “donate” button
3: Fill out “gift info” clivk “next”
4: It should move you from info to “payment info”
5: follow instructions from there!


For my dog who died of cansar.

Ah…poor Flash…He will be remembered!

We shall name our first child Flash in honor of your dog!

I WILL bump this shit!

Holy shit guys, he’s serious. He’s bumping the damn thing.

Damn right.

I bump this thread with a picture of Lil’ Scrappy.

Isn’t it just the cutest little .357?

Leaving work now. I want to see some donations in the morning, or I start posting pictures of my hairy white ass.

Anyone who donates gets to heel hook Sam Browning at the NY Mega.

Guys, everyone should help out in the fight against cancer and getting Scrapper the best sex teh EVAR.

When most of BS are struggling to even get any do you really think they’re going to be that charitable?

Good luck Scrapper. You get $0 from me.

Oh just so no one thinks I’m horrible, I’m going to another Cancer charity event in March so have donated there.

Lily, you’re an asshole.

I’d donate, but I’m only 16. I don’t have a credit card. Or the money to spend.

You always try to get friends laid if you can. It’s how it works. And all bullies are your friends. Hell, I’d even try to get Hedge laid if I had the opportunity (even though we don’t see eye-to-eye on anything).

[quote=krazy kaju]Lily, you’re an asshole.

I need to sig this.

I’d donate, but I’m only 16. I don’t have a credit card. Or the money to spend.
Oh, I thought you were in your 30’s for some reason.

You always try to get friends laid if you can. It’s how it works. And all bullies are your friends. Hell, I’d even try to get Hedge laid if I had the opportunity (even though we don’t see eye-to-eye on anything).

I don’t really get this idea.

Let me simplify it for you:

Friends get friends laid.


Bullies get bullies laid.


Donate money to the cancer fund or whatever-the-fuck-it-is that Scrapper has going on.

… dude you’re in highschool, what do you know about getting laid?

and… this thread is worthless without pics of your girlfriend.

and girlfriends suck.

I know that if my buddy had a chance to get laid I wouldn’t be a cock block like you faggots.

the peddle your little high-school ass to the fucking corner 7-11, empty your piggy bank onto the counter, buy a pre-paid Visa card and put your fucking money where your mouth is.