Fiefel goes west: Or Sirc heads off to LA for the weekend

Anybody down for queering out?

I’m going to be spending the majority of the weekend with Boyd and Tenebrous, if you’re cool enough, we might enter you in our reindeer games.

get LAVATORR’S number from boyd for me

When are you heading back?


Blah, shitty timing bro.

Give me a week or so heads up, and I’ll take you to some of the OC clubs/lounges that my friends bounce at. I’ll surround you with beautiful women, get hot lesbians to grind on you, and get you thoroughly shit faced.

You will also smoke cigars, drink dark beer, and talk about manly things.

Alas, next time bro.

That’s totally cool man. I didn’t know I was going until about 2 days ago.