Middle Easy’s breaking the news:
Huge news. Massive. Just received an email from a very reliable source from Russia that Fedor will be running for a congress seat in Russia for the pro-Kremlin party ‘United Russia’. The party is dominant in the country and holds around 80% of the seats in the senate and Fedor will be representing his region. That’s a fact. Just wait for the official announcement which will probably come at the end of this week if not in the next few hours. Now the accompanied rumor is that after Fedor fulfills the last two fights in his Strikeforce contract, he will retire from MMA.
So after Werdum and Overeem, that’s it? He is getting on in the years, but this will definitely leave the biggest “What If” in the history of the sport. I can guarantee that Dana White will use it as proof that Fedor’s been ducking the UFC heavyweights, and I don’t know if he’d be that off. Why risk such a pristine record when you’re already getting older and looking for a career change?
As a fan though, it’d drives me bonkers if we never see Fedor vs. Lesnar/Carwin/even-Randy-Couture-at-this-point.