[QUOTE=It is Fake;3036669]Wrong, try a better straw man.
This is funny. Nowhere in my post did I say “extremists,” “like Trump” “pro-life” or “racist.”
See, like many people, you make it about Trump’s wants vs. liberals. He is smart, you took the bait. If i get a GOP list, get their people in, you get a fundemental shift in the court system. You know, the EXACT SAME SHIT the conservatives were crying about with Clinton.[/QUOTE]
Na, Your own post here is a straw man, so you did better on your own without any help from me. Nowhere in my post did I say Trump vs. libs. I said Trump vs. conservatives and Trumps lack of moral and ethical code.against that of straight shooters like Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kav. Trump is the radical extremist, none of them have an extreme ruling on record. There are literally no judges on the supreme Court with his record of indignity. That’s how it’s supposed to be, by the way, in case Congress passes a good law and a SHADY Executive tries to bend it to an unethical or immoral direction, in direct contradiction of the spirit of the Constitution. Grade school shit
Simply put Trump isn’t a conservative and never claimed he was until 2015, and it was a lie just like his inauguration crowd claims, his tax plan claims, and the lot. Hence NeverTrump movement which is conservatives against Trump, minus the opportunists like Hannity etc who literally make a buck kissing his ass in unprincipled ways and Mitch McConnell who are struggling to maintain the integrity of the Senate under the most radical president in HISTORY! The court has had a conservative lean for years and nothing had changed. It’s still a 5-4, 4-5 court on most divided issues. Truth to power dude, the claim that there are all these radicals on the benches federal either left or right is just more fake news. These judges didn’t get where they were for being like Roy Moore or Steve King, and when they get out of hand prior to supreme Court confirmation …they can get booted like anyone else. That’s the beauty of the judicial branch, peer review.
And also, I hear a lot about RINOs. Trump is the biggest RINO ever, which makes people who claim to be conservative sound like hypocrites when they defend his unsustainable tax cuts, massive border wall pork WASTE, and of course, chicken shit subservience to dictators. Did you see Stephanie his brand new Press Sec get man handled today in North Korea? She’ll be out the door faster than Scarramucio. That was just pathetic, way to allow an American citizen get grabbed by Commie thugs on live TV. She’s lucky they didn’t give her the .50 Cal welcome like so many of Kim’s top generals. Not like Trump could have done shit to stop them either, he’d probably try to talk his way out of her summary execution.
[QUOTE=Jefe616;3036668]Silver Spring is an expensive tax zone, but I don’t own any property so my taxes there are nothing but structure, and Maryland’s state income tax rate is actually pretty low. It was the fact that we have double income, and the loss of other deductions I’ve relied on like home office space. Talk about sticking it to the little guy…I used to get a yuge deduction from dedicating square footage in my house for employer benefit. No mas. And like I said all the benefits for me and you dissolve in just a few years unless renewed. But Corp tax ratesl changes were permanent. All you need to do is check independent non partisan analysis of the plan. Small short term gains for middle and upper class, huge long term gains for the wealthy. Bait and switch politics, meant to get votes in 2020 and then rip you off. And when I say “you” I mean “you and I and your kids” because that $1T deficit belongs to us all. Trump could give a shit.[/QUOTE]
My wife is from that area.
My taxes did not change much if any. Don’t own property, nor have home office.
My taxes did not change much if any. Don’t own property, nor have home office.
Trump is appointing decent judges, that is good.[/QUOTE]
The heat here this weekend was brutal for late June. 3 straight 90+ days. Good prep for my coming getaway. Do you believe in climate change? From what I’m told a lot it of the snow is just gone from the African peaks where it used to be because of the increase. Id like to see it for myself at Mount Rwenzori, one of my planned stops. I am so not a city person…the traffic in the beltway drives me mad daily. Like right now…stuck on MD198 ain’t going nowhere fast.
[QUOTE=Jefe616;3036656]Who the FUCk are you talking about. Now it’s not just 1 it’s 3. You guys are fucking strange. I come to discuss some topics about Trump and gun cobtrol and nobody engages, just a lot of trolling huh? You are lost in some wonderland. Have a great day and enjoy your fantasies. I’ll stick to the Bullshido group at Facebook at least the people there stay on target. Peace. Oh and when one of the admins tell you I was who I said you might want to self reflect a bit. I’m the only Never trumpet? Get real.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=hungryjoe;3036632]I am the one your mother warned you about.
You’re the kind of hussy that will go too fast on the first date and, before I know it, you and my bastard child will be turning tricks down on Bourbon Street with the rest of the tramps?
[QUOTE=Jefe616;3036670]Na, Your own post here is a straw man, so you did better on your own without any help from me. Nowhere in my post did I say Trump vs. libs. I said Trump vs. conservatives and Trumps lack of moral and ethical code.against that of straight shooters like Roberts, Gorsuch, and Kav. Trump is the radical extremist, none of them have an extreme ruling on record. There are literally no judges on the supreme Court with his record of indignity. That’s how it’s supposed to be, by the way, in case Congress passes a good law and a SHADY Executive tries to bend it to an unethical or immoral direction, in direct contradiction of the spirit of the Constitution. Grade school shit
Simply put Trump isn’t a conservative and never claimed he was until 2015, and it was a lie just like his inauguration crowd claims, his tax plan claims, and the lot. Hence NeverTrump movement which is conservatives against Trump, minus the opportunists like Hannity etc who literally make a buck kissing his ass in unprincipled ways and Mitch McConnell who are struggling to maintain the integrity of the Senate under the most radical president in HISTORY! The court has had a conservative lean for years and nothing had changed. It’s still a 5-4, 4-5 court on most divided issues. Truth to power dude, the claim that there are all these radicals on the benches federal either left or right is just more fake news. These judges didn’t get where they were for being like Roy Moore or Steve King, and when they get out of hand prior to supreme Court confirmation …they can get booted like anyone else. That’s the beauty of the judicial branch, peer review.[/QUOTE]
Keep trying. I am not talking about Trump or his beliefs that is you. Please note the use of quotation marks and the areas which lack them.
Now, we are moving into red herring terrirtory sooooooooo…
[QUOTE=Jefe616;3036676]The heat here this weekend was brutal for late June. 3 straight 90+ days. Good prep for my coming getaway. Do you believe in climate change? From what I’m told a lot it of the snow is just gone from the African peaks where it used to be because of the increase. Id like to see it for myself at Mount Rwenzori, one of my planned stops. I am so not a city person…the traffic in the beltway drives me mad daily. Like right now…stuck on MD198 ain’t going nowhere fast.[/QUOTE]
It’s hot here, too. We have been over 100 degree heat indexes for over a week. Of course I believe in climate change. It was cold a few months ago.