Favorite Drink Recipes

Absolutely no relation.

There’s several Sly Fox’s in the US, including one in Pennsylvania that is also a brewery. The two here in Maryland are owned by the infamous Fox brothers, along with Dock Street Bar.

Bah Komrade Mantisky!

Perhaps you heve not try the Mexikan Russkie?

50% Vodka (brand from kommunist russia)
49% Kahlua (already has K in spellink!)
1% Milk (just a quick splash)

Like a chocolate face russian only a little bit lighter!


Did I said this? Forgive please! I heve been drink too many kocktail already to keep warm with new mail order bride. Here she dance…you like her?


Oh man… She reminds me of my Auntie Vera.

Keep drinking them kocktail.:occasion1

I saw a poster today. it said “No Smoking” if you see violator, you call KGB immediately at number below. Times are changing.

Yes, I make this sign to find sexy womens. Then I drink Mokitos like a good Kuban Kommie because they are super kool!

In Russia, mokito is made with 5 parts vodka and then five grains of sugar and some green plants (whatever is in yard) mixed together with the buttstock of an AK-47. This process is kalled “mugging”.

Hah, don’t bag on the mojito, its good for keeping you minty fresh for the heavy amount of making out thats going to happen later. =)

In Soviet Russia, mokito mugs YOU!

Here’s a couple drink recipes that I like :

  1. Middleton Very Rare and Glass

  2. John Power & Son and Glass

  3. Any of the Clontarf Blends and Glass

  4. Crown Royal XR and Glass

Those are just a few however I use the same recipes for good Scotch and also some of the better Cognac …feel free to copy those and use them whenever you want…


Strength & Honor

Burnaholic (good in winter):

2 shots Courvoisier
150ml ginger beer
As much Tobasco as you can safely drink

I use this as part of our staff ‘induction’.


Combine Stohli O and Triple Sec in a tumble with ice. Shake. Serve in a shot glass.

I’m not much of a drinker, but I’m a fan of sweet sorority girl drinks:
Colorado Bulldog:
-coke or pepsi (just a little)
mix, drink with ice

-Grand Marnier
drink in shot form

My ghetto favorite is lemonade with rum in it. I do not have a refined palate.

I tend to create my own. Here’s one that’s good for the season.

Sugar Plum Fairy

2 parts clear plum brandy (or Ozark plum moonshine)
1 part absinthe (the smooth stuff)

Real absinthe or the fake shit you can buy off the internet?

Do they even know what ‘real’ absinthe is?

Doubt it.

Fucking two-eared posuers…

Heh. I read an article in a magazine recently (maybe the Atlantic), which basically said that no-one today knows what was in absinthe.

Midori Kamikaze

1 Part Lime
1 Part Midori
1 Part Vodka

The Pregnant Wife *
1 Part Limonchelo
2 Parts Vodka

*5 or 6 of those and it’ll happen to you as well. My daughter could have been named Limonchelo!

Thin Lizzy Shot

Half Jameson
Half Coffee Tequila

easy enough, and GREAT (though i know it sounds nasty)

Not to ruin your buzz, but pretty much every bit of research I’ve found finds zero evidence that modern Absinthe causes altered states of mind significantly different from regular alcohol.

I used to want to drink SOOOO bad. But then I tried the stuff with high thujone content . . . and was not impressed.

Me too… ohh wait, you said “drinks”. I thought you meant…

But, but, I saw it in that one movie with the singing midget and the guy that falls asleep and the girl that was a whore but wasn’t a whore and they all laughed and tripped and and… You mean to say that it wasn’t real?

What about the midget at least? :XXsmoker: