My Fancy Navan…
BTW- If anyone wants to get me anything for Christmas…Navan is perfect…
I tend to take a tulip glass, splash some 151 in it, swirl it around, dump it, and light it…warm up the glass.
SHake out the flames, and pour in the Navana…mouth gasm.
since I have never heard of one before I had to see what wikipedia had to say about them.
Wikipedia said :
[I][moˈ]) is a traditional Cuban cocktail which became popular in the United States during the late 1980s, and has recently seen a resurgence in popularity.
A mojito is traditionally made of five ingredients: mint, rum, powdered sugar (traditionally sugar ), lime juice, and club soda. Its combination of sweetness and refreshing citrus and mint flavors are intended to mask the potent kick of the rum, and have made the cocktail a popular summer drink.
The mojito is currently considered a highly fashionable drink. Its popularity is evidenced by its prominent role in recent Bacardi advertisements.[/i]
Which translates into :
You are taking it ass to mouth everytime you drink one or discuss how cool/good they are in public .
I’ll agree that a mojito is kind of fruity, but it’s even more fruity if you’re not sitting outside in a panama hat overlooking the beach smoking a choice cigar in the tropical heat when you’re drinking one.
At least in the tropics you’ve got a reason to drink one.
I’d say “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.” or " Don’t come crawling back to me when you finally taste the joy that is…"
I’ve already got:-
one foot in my mouth on this thread
an interest in some cock ass action from BackFistMonkey
& an admission of Disney ownership from GB.
I’d keep defending myself but I don’t think this shovel is big enough to dig myself out of this hole.
Therfore I’m off to lurk and see if sirc has posted the naked pics of the 'off their head 'lesbians … Rather than hanging around here discussing booze with men who like to grapple with other men (Which is after all pretty much the same as being in work for me)
I’ll admit that I like Long Island Iced Teas. I have no idea how to make them, other than mix a bunch of shit and throw in a dash of coca cola. They’re pretty much gettin’ drunk drinks, though.