Father of molested boy shoots karate instuctor who did the deed


The father ended up getting 5 years probation.

Why is it always karate instructors that seem to molest children rather then other MA instructors?

omega molested me, and he does kung fu.

but omega molests basically everybody.

That’s because American Karate instructors are screened through tuna nets.

When you get killed or banned which ever comes first, can I use your avatar?

fuck you, get your own nazi

Do not falsely accuse someone (Omega) of being a sexual preditor, either you provide evidence or you go to ban land next time.

i don’t know whether to be worried or highly amused

Just keep away from making such statements.

well my e-lawyer says i can’t make a case out of defamation of character, so i’ll comply

never bring a shit martial art to a gunfight…

GOOD! I think the same fate or worse should be had by every person that harms a child. only five months huh?? I don’t think they should have given him that!! That’s a good man there:qright5:

The system DOES work.

Style: MMA


Karate instructor molest child.
Karate instructor gets shot by child’s father.

Fucking A! Child molesters deserve no mercy, and I applause the father who did it.