awsome scool :blob5: :blob5: :blob5: :blob5: :blob5: we do nuncuko saminar bo saminar grapling seminar ect
Please tell me this is a troll job
wtf mate …
Moved from Other Martial Arts School or Club Reviews forum.
Ok who’s going to be the first to call this eejit and nasty name ?
It's just not fair to use such compelling posts to try to swing people over to the dark side. You are one special communicator. Good luck with that.
so who cares if its not fair that i use compelling posts? did they make any rules against it?
Yes. Yes they did. You fail.
Hey that was funny , your little box is red now .
Your grasp of the obvious truly shows that you are one with Feng whatever.
Huh, that’s what I said when she started complaining that I was using a porcupine as a contraceptive…
Wait … what … ?
A$$mole says what.
yeah, ribbed for her pleasure?
Screw that, I want a condom that can pick the fleas off me while I’m on the job, and that tells no tales.
one of a kind!
It seems that Sijo and his sons have managed to teach you some English in your classes as well.