F****d up history of Bullshido

I dont no whether to laugh or cry its unbelievable how stupid some people are.

Bullshido rigged challenge match with kung fu warrior and claimed victory. This is what really happened.

And he has a blog to http://realbullshido.blogspot.com/ Is this Fox? Or the revenge of the monkey pai???

Read the Blog its so twisted


To bad the original, uncut version exists.

What was the point of the video? To show that Anthony’s shots were shit? I could’ve told you that.


Joke Blog.

They linked to a thread I created and then moved with in a few minutes.

Wow, apparently somebody has something against Omega… figures

My guess its andy murray formerly formerly of map

Will someone be editing Anthony’s nic here ? :wink:

That’s what I think.

…he got a grudge against BSD ?

did anyone else like how they whited out the osiris/john springer video and tried to make it look like springer was dropping knees on (white in their part) osiris?

oh noes, teh internetz dr4m4.

But yeah, no, i won’t lie, i want a massive case of bullshido to go down in my neck of the woods, so i can go debunk it…

I thought it was Anthony’s fight. Link please?

History is written by the [strike]victors[/strike] losers

first post, second link, scroll down once u get there, theres a whole couple of posts about it

that is a sad sad individual

Bullshido’s obsession is unhealthy and is leading to suffering. Wing Chun has undermined the confidence of the MMA fanboy masses and together with Krav Maga represents the street combat angle that BJJ dreams of. Wet dreams.

Undermine MMA? They must’ve found something hidden in the forms… something of supreme power.

That blog is pretty fucking funny.

I thought so.