Extraneous all stars

This is some cool stuff. Thanks guys.

Much more to come

Gonna tell us about Oleg’s “taste” for Black strippers?

Not in jnp’s house.

Had Oleg for a two day seminar at the school… I have first hand knowledge.

Thank you for this thread THunter and WW. Learning all this backstory is cool as all get out.

The blacker the berry…

Please end the “Brown Sugarr” derail

Excised from: Origin of Karo’s No Gi Judo - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

I’m sorry to include you in this Mr. Tripp, but Mr. Taktarov’s sexual proclivities have nothing to do with Judo.

To the rest of you, please refer to the stickie I wrote for this forum, in particular, this part,

General comments like, “I’m just a beginner in grappling, but I too find the spider guard useful.”, or “Good job!” will not be tolerated as they are of no value to knowledgeable grapplers.

and this part as well,

  1. Know this, if you have been a member of this website for more than six months and you make an off topic or craptastic post in AGD, I will give you an infraction.

With the exception of MTripp and WW, the rest of you are lucky I’m feeling lazy tonight.

Your wife is lucky your feeling lazy tonight.