Exorcising the painfully obvious, again

Yes, if you do them badly, you will get owned.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2060474]Yes, if you do them badly, you will get owned.[/QUOTE]

One could say that about any throw

Someone get that man a gold star.:ninjadanc

BJ Penn is half Korean.

Machida is half Japanese.

Edit: GSP is Buddha, or something.


[quote=Lu Tze;2060504]BJ Penn is half Korean.

Machida is half Japanese.

Edit: GSP is Buddha, or something.


BJ Penn is American.

Machida is Brazilian.

GSP is God.

Excised from: Bad Judo? - Page 2 - No BS Martial Arts

This is the second time for you Muerteds. Inane comments belong in YMAS. They do not belong in the technique forums.

3moose1, you need to show me you can refrain from posting crap in the basic technique forum before I’m willing to let you in the advanced forum.

3moose1, you need to show me you can refrain from posting crap in the basic technique forum before I’m willing to let you in the advanced forum.[/quote]

To be fair, most of 3moose1’s humorous posts are actually funny. (At least to me)

I submit that is part of my Charm, fine sir.

Whilst sometimes my witty humor misses the mark, i believe i did a fine job in this thread.

But yes, There have been SEVERAL threads lately in sad DHS that i’ve been wanting to comment on, only to find myself burdened by my past indiscretions! From this day on, the former republic of Gitmo will no know more moosey wit and humor, (unless its contributing towards the ON TOPIC discussion)

also, can we ban muerteds for fucking with the font?

Or can we just remove that feature entirely?

I got Trollshido’ed for using brevity to make a point? Heh. I will attempt to belabor the point in exacting and consummate detail in the future.

I like choosing my own font. Either kwitcherbitchin, or disable the ability.

A how-to for the frustrated.

[SIZE=2]In a gesture of helpfulness for those that don’t know, here’s how to make sure your screen always shows you what font you wish to see, courtesy of Firefox:

  1. Click “Tools” at the top of the screen.
  2. Click “Options”.
  3. Click “Content”.
  4. Halfway down that window, you will find a box called “Fonts and Colors”. Choose your font wisely.
  5. Next to your choice is an “Advanced” button. Click it.
  6. Click the box that says, “Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above”.

Your web-world is now a happy land of peace and tranquility, where your chosen fonts rule supreme. Perhaps you have a penchant for Shruti? You could prefer a more staid Times New Roman. Or, perhaps you hate life, and your eyes, and have opted for some version of Courier. Regardless, the power is yours.

I hate you, Muerteds, and i hate your face.

Muerteds, why can’t you just change the font as requested by many members of this site? I told you it is hard for some of us vision impaired to read. I do not use Firefox.

Firefox is cheap, and widely available. Good reasons to use it. Also, other browsers have the same capability, you just need to go to your help menu to figure it out. Honestly, when I dink with my settings, Comic Sans comes in bigger and bolder than other fonts. Hence, easier to read. You might find it useful if you find your eyesight plagued by websites with itty-bitty script.

I could use Courier. But I hate that.

Fixedsys also kinda blows.

And Times New Roman needs to die, already.

[QUOTE=Muerteds;2061957]Firefox is cheap, and widely available. Good reasons to use it. Also, other browsers have the same capability, you just need to go to your help menu to figure it out. Honestly, when I dink with my settings, Comic Sans comes in bigger and bolder than other fonts. Hence, easier to read. You might find it useful if you find your eyesight plagued by websites with itty-bitty script.

I could use Courier. But I hate that.

Fixedsys also kinda blows.

And Times New Roman needs to die, already.

You could just use the standard font the admin set up and that everyone else uses and is fine with instead of being a dick and using another font.
The problem is you, not everyone else so you should change.

Hay guys there aren’t any hard coded rules embedded in reality to stop me from murdering my family with a shotgun, that means I should totally do that right?

[quote=Muerteds;2061957]Firefox is cheap, and widely available. Good reasons to use it. Also, other browsers have the same capability, you just need to go to your help menu to figure it out. Honestly, when I dink with my settings, Comic Sans comes in bigger and bolder than other fonts. Hence, easier to read. You might find it useful if you find your eyesight plagued by websites with itty-bitty script.

I could use Courier. But I hate that.

Fixedsys also kinda blows.

And Times New Roman needs to die, already.
Do you often find yourself wondering why you have no friends?

muerteds, i don’t read your posts because they aren’t like everyone elses.