From the Brighton and Hove Leader (UK), Friday Feb 16 2007
A GANG of teenagers attacked a man in a suspected happy-slapping incident in Brighton’s crowded shopping centre.
But their intended victim was a former amateur boxer - and he knocked one of his cowardly assailants unconsciious.
Curtis Mulcare, 31 , said afterwards that he had been determined not to let the “gang of chavs” get away with attacking him.
Two of the group of eight 16 and 17-year-olds had to be taken to hospital and were later arrested.
A third was being sought by police after he climbed on to a roof and threw a brick through a glass skylight.
Salesman Mr Mulcare, of Seven Dials, Brighton, said: “these teenagers think they can get away with anything. They don’t care about whether they are attacking innocent people, old people or anything. Now they know they can’t do that.”
Mr Mulcare had been waiting for a bus at the end of Imperial Arcade at 4.05pm on Monday when one of the gang slapped him round the face and ran away.
Brighton police said they were investigating the possibility the gang had filmed the incident and would be seizing their mobile phones to check for evidence.
Mr Mulcare chased his attacker down Imperial Arcade and found himself confronted by the whole gang. He struck out at the teenager and knocked him out before going back to board his bus in Dyke Road.
Two of the gang ran after him and attacked him as he got back out of the bus, which had not been due to leave.
Mr Mulcare fought back again, aided by several members of the public including the bus driver.
In the fracas which followed, one of the teenagers suffered a cut to his head which later required hospital treatment.
The other youngster climbed on to the roof of Imperial Arcade and hurled a brick through the glass which shattered on to the walkway below, narrowly missing shoppers.
He then escaped from the scene as more than 20 police officers arrived to try to contain the incident.
Imperial ARcade was closed for the rest of the day because of the debris.
Mr Mulcare said: “I can’t believe they attacked me. I’m a big bloke and I wouldn’t have thought I was an obvious victim but they’ve got no respect for anyone. I hope they’ve learned their lesson. They thought it was going to be happy-slapping but it didn’t end up too happy for them.”
Both the youths treated at hospital were later released. Neither had sustained serious injuries.
Police officers were this week going through dozens of witness statements and viewing CCTV recordings.
Six teenagers were arrested on suspicion of affray and have been released on bail."
Little shitbags.
LOL @ “They thought it was going to be happy-slapping but it didn’t end up too happy for them.”