Escaping Triangle and Rear-Naked Chokes

What are some good ways for countering those two types of chokes? Share your experiences.

You don’t need to, you’re unchokeable. Remember?

I always just tap out. Especially if they are female fighters who tap me out. Then I punch in the face since they let me go and I laugh at them. And good method I have found is to put a little bite into the arm or whatever and when they complain and let go I just pretend to be really sorry and sad and apologise and just complain that they just caught a bit of my mouth open and I couldn’t close it. I also say I cannot just wear a mouthguard since when I was young something traumatic happened and I just cannot discuss it right now please be understanding. Then they let me get some things on them and then I crank and when they complain I just say Oh I am sorry about that I guess you just should have tapped faster.

These are just my experiences. Are you guys similar?

Yes, biting the arm to get out of an RNC is a good idea. Especially if it’s a sucky RNC that gets turned into a crossface, because people always whimper and let go when you bite them. It’s a magic bullet.

I just say Oh I am sorry about that I guess you just should have tapped faster.

Thats what a purple belt said to me after he exploded my elbow on my very first day.

Had a similar experience. Was off training for a month.

Then after coming back, I got my shoulder dislocated, first day of training.

It’s tough to belong to the glass-people.

For the triangle I say spitting green mist into the eyes. No one expects that!

How dependent is the effectiveness of the choke on the strength of the person doing it? Is it considered a wind choke or a vascular choke? This question is for the RNC.

Dude, in case you’re serious, which I doubt, you’re not going to learn anything useful about choking techniques on a fucking internet site. This is HOW DO ARMBAR class stuff.

Go ask your local judoka to choke you out. Become enlightened. Or become brain damaged. Either way, you win. Girls dig the mentally deficient.

As for the quesiton, a skilled grappler sixty pounds lighter will have your untrained ass out in five seconds. And it’s a a blood choke.

You know how the karate people just scream and stuff? That just builds their lungs and windpipe. Those guys just have really strong necks and it is hard to choke them because of their screaming and stuff. A karate black belt just told me that they wear it to make fun of judo players because judo people just like to gi tie up people but it doesn’t work against karate people. Tae Kwon Do people aren’t as loud or good though so just take karate.

Oh yeah, the karate black belt told me and he’s really cool.

Vascular baby! It ain’t the strength, it’s the leverage. If you get caught in one and it’s locked in…goodnight!

And as Megaton said regarding how to get out of the triangle “who the fuck cares…don’t get into it in the first place”.

Actually there is a nerv in the middle inside to the thigh you can just bit a bit of teeth into to numb the leg then you can get on top of him and punch him in the face.

And you wonder why people say BJJ is for romos.

Then ace_skippy should have a harem!

This concept of leverage in a fight fascinates me. Any suggestions on a good Brazilian jiu jitsu book, one that goes into detail about why each type of move works?

PizDoff peace is off, we now bear witness to the birth of a new gimick!

It’s primarily a blood choke, but you can vary it to be an air choke as well.

Find a real instructor and stop asking the Internet.

Next shit threads earns you a ban.

Pressure points and dim mak is the best way to escape any submission. I know this from experience.

Let me give an example: The other day I went down to the local BJJ club to demonstrate the superiority of my dim mak. My opponent took my back, sunk in the choke…and then I struck!

I tapped him lightly twice in Arm 23, making him release his hold IMMEDIATELY!

This technique worked on everybody in the club, and also against armbars, kneebars and keylocks, clearly demonstrating the superiority of dim mak. I have now reached such a high level of training that I don’t even have to touch my opponent to make him release me - I can now just dim-mak the mat and he lets go!

Of course, after I defeat them using my dim mak, they act all high and mighty like it was them who really won, but you know, those MMA types have no sense of humility and prefer to live in their own worlds of delusions.

Hey ace_skippy, where do you live around?