This is probably going to sound stupid and that’s why I’m posting here.
Can anyone explain the origin and significance of spelling “the” as “teh” and using 3’s instead of E’s as in “str33t”. I’ve mostly seen this formulation in the phrase “teh str33ts” but I’m sure it pops up occasionally elsewhere as well.
Much appreciation for any old-time bulllies who would care to respond/elaborate.
Welcome to Bullshido, the best Martial Arts forum on the entire Internet, Hemant. Seriously, you won’t regret your choice to join us. We’re a great bunch of folks, except for Hannibal. And Sirc. And TaiGip. And MMA Kid. And… well, you get the point.
Snake Plissken: really?? Wow, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed…
Whatever, I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, believe it or not, I was actually curious. Point taken, though, you’ll hear no more on this subject from me.