Erin Toughill Boxer and MMAer... & ROTTIE!

Do ya feel me?

I think she can give us a challenge…


Wo, nice stomache. And something else by the looks of things.

mmmm, MAM , nice…
That is Martial arts Muff , by the way …

MAM======LMAO, question would she moan about washing your sweaty ma kit

mmmm, moan, sweaty… so far so good…
She can triangle my head anytime.

Yes, I have a modified version I wouldn’t mind drilling a few times.

I think I would like to be on the receiving end of her mount, right around the area of my face :slight_smile:

Agreed. A very high mount.

North-South would also be nice. :slight_smile:

yipy kai yay !!!
Ride me cowgirl !!!

Guys, she’s cute and all. But come on. Rottie?!

we are getting desperate over here big guy… only members can see the good stuff we posted on the no holds barred side…

Anthony gets a yellow card; knock that shit off son, you’re ruining the dream.

Sorry fellas. I am a bit spoiled, with my girl being a former Miss BC and all. :slight_smile:

I rescind my comment.

She is a Rottie. A MMA/BJJ Rottie!

Let the dream continue.

"Sorry fellas. I am a bit spoiled, with my girl being a former Miss BC and all. "

You bloody luck bastard! :wink:

Please lets see how many variations of ‘BJJ is like sex’ comments we can put down in a row.

Hey Anthony,
Better dude?

Ronin, SLJ, I feel ya…

Anthony, you is adorable…

Erin, you Rot, girl, you Rot…good luck in your fighting career.

You guys are sick.
I mean come on it’s just a girl, an incredibly beautiful girl with incredible skills and long black hair and soft dark taut skin oh my god I gotta go do sumthin…I’ll be back.

As I was sayin you should all be ashamed of yourselves.