Environmental award to martial-arts school

Environmental award to martial-arts school

Local martial arts school wins environmental award.

Date published: 10/20/2007


A martial-arts school in Spotsylvania County has won recognition for its environmentally friendly headquarters development.

Aikido in Fredericksburg is planning a new headquarters facility on a 20-acre parcel on Hickory Ridge Road near Massaponax High School. Construction is expected to start early next year, and it’s set to open by summer.

The nonprofit’s site design was recently recognized by the Low Impact Development Recognition Program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Aikido in Fredericksburg was recognized for landscaping that included low-impact stormwater management, an organic vegetable and ornamental garden, wildlife habitat improvement and a small greenhouse.

Aikido in Fredericksburg is now in a small facility on Leonard Drive in Spotsylvania. It teaches aikido, a nonviolent martial art that focuses on defense without counterattack.

Aviv Goldsmith, chief instructor, said the low-impact design can be scaled down for residential use or up for larger commercial or industrial projects. He said the nonprofit is continuing to raise money for its new headquarters, which will include practice space, an outdoor training area, a forest path, meditation areas and a community garden.

For more information, visit aikidoinn.com.


It’d never be a karate place because of all the pine boards they break.

Dude, fuck off with this shit no one is going to give a shit about. This thread fucking sucks.

Crude but srsly wtf does this have to do with Bullshido? If an jkd guy starts a sandwich business is it worth reading about?

Bruce Lee sandwiches are the best ever!

Cumdon is just that stupid.

It mentions something regarding a martial arts school. Whenever something make it into the news related in one way or another to a martial arts school, whether it’s positive or negative, or whether it has anything to do with the ability to kick ass, it’s worth mentioning… even if you are not interested on the topic.

This one has more to do with MA and bullshido than the retarded threads on socio-political-religious diatribes disguised as logical thinking that have been occuring in the last couple of weeks, crap more appropriate to sociocide.

What do you mean by ‘Bullshido’?
Do you even look at the rest of this sub-forum?


Muchacha, you lose all credibility when you defend Cumdon.

…is there a place I can purchase Bruce Lee sandwiches?

