Not on a martial arts forum as such. But I enjoy it because it produces gems such as this.
"I have a family member who is a tae kwon do expert, 4th dan I believe. He also was military trained and served in combat so added practical combat hand to hand training to that (and was a hand to hand instructor in the military for a long time).
If 6 untrained unarmed men tried to fight him hand to hand…I don’t think it wouldn’t be a fair fight at all. They’d need to double that number and just hope that the first 11 guys winded him enough that the last guy has a chance to get lucky…
Don’t get me wrong, the people that get some basic hand to hand training or spend a year taking martial arts classes…your statement applies to them. But it does not apply across the board including the true hand to hand experts. There are experts that could take on odds you wouldn’t believe in unarmed combat and win easily over and over. It does exist…it’s just rare and takes many many years of discipline and work."
They are big on krav as well suprisingly enough