Dumbass poster

There are really some dumbass posters here. I expect a bit of that on this board, but DAMN, what the hell is Fatality Dragon talking about? This man thinks hes a deaf daredevil or some shit. Fucking dodging AK bullets and shit. I suppose the hearing cant take the sound and colapse screaming? Fucking moron. And then theres the time you were owning the bjj master. WTF was that? And who the fuck has heard of a deaf bodygaurd? THATS FUCKING RETARDED!!! And you have the nerve to give judo kid advice? lol

Will you go away now? :slight_smile:

“There’s no love in your violence.” Kakihara

Cage man. The Cage.


“That baby better watch his mouth. I rape kids like him as part of my warm-up for raping teenagers, grown men, and eventually charging rhinos.” - Boyd

I’ve been waiting for this thread for months. But now I think I’ll just ride it out. I’m gonna watch and laugh.

Shut up and train

All I need to say is that one should heed the plank in his own eye, before pointing out the splinters in others.


“That baby better watch his mouth. I rape kids like him as part of my warm-up for raping teenagers, grown men, and eventually charging rhinos.” - Boyd

This is not the way martial artists should act

Stop living in fantasy land, this is how they always act. Sad to say, but this really is the best they have to offer. Visit news section of this forum and you’ll understand why. <img src=icon_smile_sad.gif border=0 align=middle>

Shouldn’t you be hiding from Balloonknot ?

He’s too busy avoiding the question of how he got into scars.

he said he got beat down by BJJ begginers, let alone a master - dont disrespect him like that lol - it isn’t fair…not that that means much, if anything. :expressionless: <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

“Wrestling is the Martial Art of America”;
“If you don’t know how to wrestle you don’t know how to fight, that’s the prerequisite to fightingDavid Tank Abbott

Actually he said he was owning the master for a while.

“There’s no love in your violence.” Kakihara

Yeah, this is cage bait.

But please, feel free to continue.

Phrost, you rock.

Everyone else sucks, but not you. <img src=icon_smile_tongue.gif border=0 align=middle>

(Hey, this is The Cage, after all!)

Flame on.

Signs of a dipshit:

  1. Constant references to how much of a bad-ass you are

  2. Constant reference to how amazing a particular style is when paired with constant derision of other styles

  3. Constant reference to how there is only one way to go about things and everyone else is a poser, despite limited training time in anything

  4. Constant reference to how bizad the street is and how you better run in every extra-dojo encounter

  5. Constant reference to how weapons are not that important in a fight

  6. Constant reference to weapons negating any martial ability in a fight

  7. Constant reference to the superiority of acronym based styles

  8. Constant reference to video evidence as opposed to ever trying things out yourself

  9. References to the illiteracy of other forum members despite an equivalent level of unintelligible writing on your part

  10. Constant use of multiple consonants and constant references to an individual’s religion

Now play the match game everyone!

My single chopstick is bad at serving soup, cutting steaks and basting roasts and chickens. Besides that it owns.

osiris, i usually start flames when i feel the urge, i usually do not participate unless i am the FOUNDER of the thread…BUT

fatalvision is a MORON, i scared him away a few threads a few days ago. he talks like he has a hotdog caught in his hroat, or god knows what else is caught in there.

but before he comes on here acting bodyguard tough, and i will have to shew him away again, you are DEAD RIGHT osiris, he is an ODD bastard.

Well if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black

I still like you though jamoke, you crack me up

thats why i’m here brandy, you’ll always get a good laugh from jamoke.

Signs of a dipshit:

  1. Constant references to how much of a bad-ass you are: —You all suck and I’ll take you all on at the same time without breaking a sweat.

  2. Constant reference to how amazing a particular style is when paired with constant derision of other styles. ----Grappling will always own boxing.

  3. Constant reference to how there is only one way to go about things and everyone else is a poser, despite limited training time in anything. —This is a stupid way of putting it try something a little more obtuse next time.

  4. Constant reference to how bizad the street is and how you better run in every extra-dojo encounter: —I have no idea what you said.

  5. Constant reference to how weapons are not that important in a fight— You better have a gun for extra protection when I mug your ass, for all the good it’ll do you.

  6. Constant reference to weapons negating any martial ability in a fight—Then I’m going to take that gun and blow you ass away. Literally.

  7. Constant reference to the superiority of acronym based styles—STOMP will kick everybody’s ass (SUPERIOR TRAINED OMEGAN MARTIAL PROWESS)

  8. Constant reference to video evidence as opposed to ever trying things out yourself----Everything I learned came directly from watching the UFC and other real fights.

  9. References to the illiteracy of other forum members despite an equivalent level of unintelligible writing on your part----ya’ll ignorance.

  10. Constant use of multiple consonants and constant references to an individual’s religion—you best pray to me that I don’t beat you down.

Now play the match game everyone!

Go away I’m talking to myself

Great post Dochter.

  1. Constantly trying to add your own comment to each point

  2. Constantly posting, to add more points
    …wait no, I didn’t mean…dammit!

Damn you Omega! Beat me to it! LOL!


“Good is the enemy of Great” - T-shirt seen on Queen Street, Toronto

“Now play the match game everyone!”
lol that was quite funny

“fatalvision is a MORON, i scared him away a few threads a few days ago. he talks like he has a hotdog caught in his hroat, or god knows what else is caught in there.”
you mean a weiner went down his throat?

Hard work, Patience, Dedication.

nedhinkly-“You are little more than a thug, street trash, if you will. I think from now on I will call you street rat, after a character in one of my favorite movies of all time.”