Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb (This is not a Mormon reference.)

I thought I would share with you my latest line of inquiry. I am feeling a sense of heightened interest in Japanese art.

Enjoy responsibly. NSWF and I mean it. For educational purposes.





http://www.kikkou.com/learn/shichiseki.htm (hackers anyone?)

I feel a plan coming on.

Not Safe Work For… gotcha

Madgrenade, all of my suspicions about you have just been confirmed.

Erotic Crotchrope would be a great username.

Originally by mrm1775
Madgrenade, all of my suspicions about you have just been confirmed.

What do you mean by “Suspicions”?

I find this all highly arousing.

I think it funny that you are from Middlesex.

I think its funny that there is a Sussex, an Essex, a Wessex, a Middlesex, but no Nossex.

Anyway. Er0t1c b0nd4g3. Any fans?

I like www.hogtied.com (seriously NSFW (no really, it’s a hardcore fetish bondage site)).

Oh my.

Thats pretty hardcore. Not something I would consider doing to my nearest and dearest tho.

Why, would you be more into this?

Maybe. If she asked me then yes. But only for her. I dont think shes into domination tho. Both those sites seem a bit victim oriented, rather than it being a for both if you get me.

EDIT: I wanna learn this one first.
Theres something about this that just does it for me. The model is quite hot too. Whatcha think?

Ah, I hate that one, but the other kink.com affiliated sites are great such as:
www.whippedass.com (femdom)
www.wiredpussy.com (electric femdom)
www.sexandsubmission.com (S&M)
www.ultimatesurrender.com (fetish wreslting)

I think that clears up any doubt I about how much of a pervert I am.

Eh, was never much of a wiredpussy fan, but all of the others are brilliant, and of course freehardcore for all of their galleries.

Or a band name.