[quote=Cy Q. Faunce;2072750]Well, that’s understandable, but you really have no business charging into this thread and hurling accusations of ignorance when you’re not supplying any new information yourself.
I still welcome an answer from anyone who does care enough to check.[/quote]
talk about the pot and kettle. I don’t suppose you see any IRONY in your verbal repertei’ of this poster?
Your attack is legitimate
I really don’t care about my spelling when I post
Be that as it may I found the picture to be funny and highly accurate. For me anything that has anything to do with the Bujinkan is a joke, just like the picture. Any grown man and woman saying “I am ninja” is the saddest thing anyone can ever hear. Now if you are offended by my style of making fun of your martial art organization to bad. If you enjoy what you do then my statements should not bother you.
Also I don’t know what you mean “resorts to sterotypes”. You own members of your own org perpetuate the sterotypes themselves. They do this by putting themselves out there for all the world to see in all there aweful LARRPING glory. That picture is tame compared to pics of actual boojers doing there training and your soke now thinks he is the Pope!
[QUOTE=Cy Q. Faunce;2072582]
Can you show that the Bujinkan is on shrine property?
He needs to move Hombu as they are expanding the train station in 2 years right throuh the current Hombu. Maybe he wants to move it to the Takmatsu Sensei monument, and as Takamatsu Sensei is now a kami…
But I am just speculating.
I think more like the pot and the porcelain. I’ve supplied new information in this thread and have not accused others of ignorance. His case is the inverse of mine.
I’m not sure what you mean by this, but thanks, I suppose.
As opposed to other times, when you take more care? Pardon me for doubting that.
I suspect we’ll be seeing each other in Trollshido shortly. These posts aren’t terribly on topic. Of course, nothing you’ve posted in this thread has been informative, since the subject is not “dsimon writes: I don’t understand business ethics, Part MMCMLXXIX”.[sup]1[/sup] You haven’t enlightened the forum on the relevant Japanese laws, nor the exact terms Hatsumi used, nor any other subject of real interest.
[sup]1[/sup] Note to moderators: If the first post you move to Trollshido is Mr. Simon’s, please consider beginning the Trollshido thread title with “dsimon writes:”. The empty pomposity of that phrase is worth a laugh.
That’s how you know they’re a fake. A REAL NINJA would never say that!!! :evil1:
FYI, all you n00bs know that Bullshido is a huge disinformation outlet that’s actually run, moderated, and frequented by r347 Ninjerz, right?
Alas, the final destination of all booj related threads…
It would serve me right if my post were the first one moved, and if the title of the Trollshido thread began “cfaunce writes:”.