Drug Toxicity Info


well that ruins my plans to smoke myself to death on marijuana.


Nutmeg is supposedly a pretty potent hallucenogen but you have to eat grams of the shit.

Jeepers. Oh yeah, I tried smoking a joint of Salvia… didn’t really do much. Shall try a bong, my friend who was enjoying it that way read your account of it and said it was pretty much what he experienced.

He also kept forgetting where he put his bags of salvia or what he’d just done. Was kinda funny.

A joint? LOL. You gotta take HUGE hits of it. Try the bong or a pipe. Also, don’t plan on enjoying it all too much. Its not too recreation even if your experience is positive.

I have friends who read a (Malcolm X’s?) book and decided to Stick it to the Man by stealing nutmeg and getting wasted.

THey mixed it into milkshakes and choked it down (consuming a threshold dose is not easy,apparently). THe big guy felt nothing, got drunk and crashed out.

THe skinny crazy guy felt nothing and crashed out, but then woke up in the middle of the night sweating profusely, heart pounding, convinced of impending death. He woke up his roommate, then called his girfirned, getting little support or empathy from either. Then he called the poison control hotline and the operator talked him down.

Nutmeg contains a high concentration of a variety of amphetemine precursors and MDMA like substances. For a detailed look check


Nasty as hell on the stomach and pretty much a “Desperation Drug” only.

Use a bong, preferably over a soft surface because it’s not unlikely that you will drop it if you break through.

Salvia is not a toke a joint and get high drug, you hold down a solid ammount of smoke, i dont know where you’ll go, but I hope it’s some place happy :slight_smile:

I saw someone completely vanish and start drooling while digging in the air after 2 hits of salvia the other day. They also broke their glass peice when they dropped it after their mind went completely somewhere else.

The shit aint no joke and I really really do not recommend it.

I love how the dreaded acid is one of the safest drugs around.

Wow, you guys really don’t find it a positive experience? The guy I was with was doing huge bong hits of it and ended up thinking he was in a block of flats in london or something and then he started giggling his head off, he said he had a great time.

I’ve had a great time everytime I’ve smoked salvia, but the shit scares me because of what I’ve seen it do to other people.

Funny, ain’t it?

I’ve been chatting a bit the last few days with Jim Ketchum, the guy who did the bulk of the Army’s LSD research when they were looking at it and a few atropine like chemicals as potential chemical weapons. Interesting character to say the least. He has what promises to be a really interesting book covering his research experience which he’s currently privately selling through


It might be a good time to pick up a copy as someone from the DOD contacted him this week to review it. While the information is all declassified the current Administration still has a nasty habit of trying to squell the distribution of information.

I really do wish they had made some of those LSD Grenades that were planned and which show up from time to time in William S. Burroughs’ writings. Imagine the mayhem potential.

Weren’t you in the loop too last time? No way that could’ve been a great time.

I remember trying that in highschool. I dont think anyone has been able to get high from it.

interesting turn of thread, since i’m coming down from salvia at the moment, which i just tried today for the first time.

interesting things:

  1. the edges of everything starting to buzz electrically after my first good hit.
  2. colors intensifying, objects seperating from each other.
  3. general feeling of well-being and euphoria, loving everyone like a goddamn hippie.
  4. a picture of a snow monkey on my friend’s wall became three-dimensional, and i sat there while i peaked staring at this incredibly real snow monkey, hoping it would start moving. unfortunately it did not.

no life-altering realizations as of yet, but i think it’s something i’ll do again if i can find some stronger stuff. but fun aside, i can imagine this stuff being scary, for sure. it’s powerful. do it with good friends in a good mood with good music… that seemed to do it for me.

but hey, i’ve had a good time. i’ve been getting waves of thinking “everything is beautiful” which have continued since about 8:30-9:00 when i first smoked it, although i smoked some again around 12:30-1:00.

now i’m gonna see how it affects my dreams… =)

What X was that?

When I was a kid in the 80’s my mom warned me about the Urban Legend of rub on tatoos soaked in acid. Now as an adult, I ask myself, who the fuck would just give away free LSD?

^^^Acid is dirt cheap.

I keep reading all this salvia shit and have decided it may be worth trying. How long do the effects last?

6x! which is amazing, since i know it goes up to at least 60x… :psyduck:

if you’re smoking it, you smoke a bowl to yourself as fast as you can. then the effect hits pretty much immediately and you peak for like, five minutes or so. for me, the glowy after-effects and euphoria lasted for several hours.

one of the cool things about it is how very quick the experience is, so you’re not committed to doing nothing but trip for hours.