sounds like liquid crack…but i will try it with the girls this weekend
Nice. i guess I better apologize in advance for the nasty hangover you’re going to have.
Let me know if you like the infusion. I’ve got quite a few different recipes.
Youre kidding right?
I’ll take a Sclalwag,
hold the Chowder.
How did you think the ninjas sneak up on them so much?! Sealth?!
we used to call those hand grenades. but that name only applies if you put the vodka into the gatorade bottle. also great for tailgating events and any other place where you want your drink to less obvious.
Me and my buddies came up with it while we were in the Army. It was the perfect drink for when you had to get up at zero dark thirty for PT!
We never did have a special name for it though.
The last thing I recall coming up with was mixing tequila (anything cheap) with Cactus Cooler soda, Malibu Rum and Triple Sec.
Desert Embalming Fluid
Green Jolly Rancher
1 1/2 oz. Blue Puckers
1 oz. Vodka
Fill to top with Orange Juice (best in 10+ oz. cup). It will turn green and it will be sickeningly sweet…the perfect drink to give to chicks who don’t like the taste of alcohol.
United Kingdom Come
1/2 oz. any Scotch Whiskey
1/2 oz. Tanqueray Rangpur
1/2 oz. Guinness
Pour all into single shot glass. It will hurt your mouth and tastebuds. Alot. But it’s great to spring on reunions with friends you haven’t seen for years…and wish you’d never seen again.
PS: Chase it down with the rest of the Guinness, obviously.
banana smoothie + rum = puke.
I had one of these once…
Its called a Jamaica Jim.
Soak some Slim Jims or beef jerky in rum for a few days.
Eat them. It tatses horrible, but at least I didnt have the munchies.
i had a mind to use butterscotch candies lol. but i opted for tropical fruit mentos. 1 more day to go
I think I mentioned it before
The bitter daiquiri
3 0z dark rum
10z lime
shake and serve
its got a kick to it but its something you learn to appreciate
Nice. I’ve made infusions using various flavoured jelly beans before. Never mentos though.
Should be interesting.
Oh gawd. Rum is the only thing I absolutely can’t drink. I get too grumpy. Well, not grumpy exactly. Just much less tolerant. Especially the dark rums.
i’m on to your gimmick
and we’re on to yours.
Nice avatar Fes…
Nope, it’s really how they start the day!
you would be on me wouldn’t you?
They must be a tough group. I get all retchy just thinking about it.