Wow. How about a bigger font, some capital letters, some punctuation, and some paragraphs please?
edit:: ironically, grammar
Wow. How about a bigger font, some capital letters, some punctuation, and some paragraphs please?
edit:: ironically, grammar
oh for fucks sake
i really wish people wouldnt pick apart my verry awful english skills, if i wanted a analysis of my lexical range and grammar i would perfom oral sex to an english teacher, as such i have no such interest so if you jus wnat to piss and moan i wish for alls sake you fuck off and die, but thanks you anna trocity for replying with something sensible, i may bring up the ringen issue with you someday
See, the thing is that if you can’t be bothered to make life easier for the people who will read your post by following even the most basic rules of grammar, don’t expect anyone to be bothered replying with any useful information.
If it wasn’t important enough for you to friggin make it comprehensible, its not important enough for us to give it any thought.
Do you have to write perfect english? Absolutely not. But I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that even you know what a capital letter, a period, and a paragraph are.
Heh! Look at the man’s shoes! His shoes!
Pretty funny stuff…
I still been thinking about the shoes,you want to know what they remind me of?
they remind me of fountain pen NIBS,YOU KNOW the top part of fountain pens or tthem feathers which ancient people writ withIthink they are called
They also look like spikes
STFU you shoe fettish fuckwit.
hey bro,can u tell me howto get rid of the flashing little men at the top of my posts,
the yellow bloodmouthed people
the pacmans??
i heard red bull is sysnthesized bull spermz.
become a useful poster.
just stop posting.
post at MAP.
yeah well which one is it?
you know, a little bit of consistency around here wouldn’t go a miss…
Got it bro! Will tell them you sent me…
although must admit, was starting to like this little t5tread, kinda like my
own private space in all this chaos,
the headaches and shit.
but thatslife
she is a fucking bitch.
Bro! I fucked up!
I thought you wrote MAB. So i went to mab forums-Marco Antonio Barrerara (??)
and posted a load of crap.
NowThey fucking hate my guts and Some guy named padilla wants to beat the shit outta me.
(in real life)
whaddya reckon i should do?
step1: pick up keyboard
step2: smash keyboard into computer
step3: repeat step 2 until both keyboard and computer will never work again(if you have a laptop simply hit computer with head)
step4: jump out window if possible try to land on head(on the first floor climb to at least the 17th if building doesn’t have 17 floors find one which does)
I promise you will never see the little yellow faces again
leave this site and never post again
But shoes are nice… You’re just jelous because you can’t get away with fire red 6 inch heels like him (and me- but thats OK).