
I am a werewolf. The last of my kind.

The apartment was devoid of any furniture except for a table and a chair made of mahogany. The window has no blinds.The cold air makes the forest outside look blue.

I heard yelling and screaming from next door. They sound merry.

A werewolf comes out from the forest and runs toward the next door apartment. She is lithe, slender, and tall. I am not the last one, I thought, and ran outside to talk to her. But she had murder written on her eyes. Before she could break their window, I howled. She looked at me and ran.

I chased her. She led me into the depths of the forest, where a giant birdcage the legs of chicken stood at ease. Inside the cage was a maze, and inside the maze, a table.

We shape shifted. She was beautiful. She was Morgana, sister of King Arthur, and sorceress. And if I kissed her on the lips, I would be trapped forever.

We made love that night. I never kissed her. When she took off her pants, I asked her if what they hid counted as lips.

Tell me your crazy dreams bullshido!

Even for a forum where people whine about everything, this is pretty gay.

Bitch, that was smoooth as shiiit.

I banged a sorceress.

Furry spotted.

We lie there side by side, I have a Penis made of wood. I awake to a beautiful sun up. I roll over to say good morning, and find you have splinters in ur mouth. :0

Pinocchio Erotica?

This Just In! News Bulletin to Follow at 11!


Like a leopard?

Pardon me for trying to bring a topic that isnt “a bloo bloo bloo my ex hurt me” and the typical “omg guys I’m 40 and I can’t get enough of posting pictures of women online because my wife is fat”.

I dreamt I ate a giant marshmallow. In the morning my pillow was gone.

Come on man, you’re not that old. Not to be busting out that creaker anyway

Liquor, Loot, and Ladies.

Dreaming you fucked a werewolf is grounds to clown your ass. Telling all of us about it is just begging for it.

C’mon. You can do better than that.

Now, if you’d woken up with a headache, next to an unattractive woman, an empty fifth of jack daniels and a 4 inch scrape on your cock, THAT would be a good story.

These young folk are hearing it for the first time. Don’t ruin it.

Pssssssssh. I was doing morgana. Fucking morgana. You know how high quality that poonani is? Its like. Fucking mythical. Tasted like caramel, I kid you not. If I had woken up in the situation you described, I’d probably cry because of the slump and disrepair I landed myself in after my middle management job was laid of when the dow dropped.

Have fun with Arthur’s sloppy seconds.

Oops! Sorry!

Are we talking sleep dreams here or the “I wish” dreams here?

Munacra fucked a werewolf. In his dreams.

Were there dice involved? Did you roll a saving throw against werewolf clap?

That shit makes your nuts turn green. Or so I hear.

I dream/wish that thread will go away!

Was this the werewolf? http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/famecrawler/2008/02/08-15/rosie-oterror.jpg