[url=Buildabear has moved to it’s new location in the grungy strip mall on albertson lane.
In the meantime, since i’m hoping to get this consigned to trollshido:
[url=Buildabear has moved to it’s new location in the grungy strip mall on albertson lane.
In the meantime, since i’m hoping to get this consigned to trollshido:
You are my hero.
I would +rep, but I don’t know how so you’ll just have to settle for an e-handjob.
For a quick second, I thought that guy on the left was Phil.
Martial arts + dork = radki.
Yay for MMA asian girls!
Zomg, they need to keep their hands up.
Teh grapple
Sleeve choke without a sleeve!?
gets giddy
Thanks for ruining something beautiful, asshole.
It’s relevant with your topic.
Regardless, if you are offended, consider it payback for you sharing your women-with-ginormous-dicks fetish with our retinas.
And you are very welcome.
Congratulations. Your horribly sad grappling jokes have minorly inconveinenced me.
Keep the DorkstormIII stuff on the yelofever thread.