Don't worry kids mommy and daddy are just having a disagreement.

The previous was a little joke

You, an instructor, military person, and sponsor, are an otherwise “respectable member of society” and “role model”

until one of your unfunny, hateful whiny bitch posts are read.

you seriously lack so much moral judgement, it’s frightening.

Yeah… so, what’s your fucking point Schizo

My point is that you are a waste of life, and an unfunny motherfucker.

your post suck so much that they are starting to piss me off, and I recommend you stop posting.

and no, nobody cares that you got anally raped in your childhood, that only gives me a seldom chuckle the 34237263204th time you post it.

I’ve just checked my records and you seem to have missed the memo.

Go one gives a fuck what you think.

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

grasping from what you are trying to tell me, I’m supposed to give a shit about internet rep and internet popularity.


seriously Mr.Stupid fuck, how low have you fallen that you are trying to enforce rules and your own, stupid oppinion on the internet?

did your dad give you that much of an assreaming?

I’m disappointed in you, your lame-ass reply warrants no waste of breath whatsoever, you just owned yourself; beacause if you can’t realise that you sound like a bigger bitch than a rosie o’donnell+Oprah mutant merge, the ownage gets even greater.

but such a post is expected from you, lame-brain, I’m not surprised it took you long enough to come up with this shit.

Logical fallacy: if such hypothetical records of my posts exist, that you have recieved an updated memo, at least one person has to give a shit about what I think for them to go through all the trouble and work of said records.

don’t they, fuckwit?

learn your logics, n00b.

You’re only sore 'cos I’ve neg repped you.

Pussy faggot.

hahaha…go cry like the little bitch you are, rigfht there in the corner.

waiting for my post are we?

this is the kind of shit I’m talking about: unfunny, motherfucking shit.

did you buy that “a picture is worth more than a thousand words” bullshit? wow…just wow…I just lost the little respect I had left…and I thought there wasn’t any of it left anymore…this is a new low…

you sure are good at shooping little bitch pictures, no wait…you fail that too.

my, you’ve learned a new word, haven’t you? isn’t that per chance the same device that your mother used after she gave birth to you and whilst you had family incest time?

clean bitch just had to wash her cunt.

you just pulled shit out of your ass in hopes of sounding smart, shut the fuck up.



[quote=Simio de las Rocas]IRONY[/qYou’re only sore 'cos I’ve neg repped you.

Pussy faggot.uote]

no, I’m just releasing my teenage angst toward the poor excuse of an adult you are.

that makes you my bitch, you piece of shit.

I’ve been asked on behalf of concerned members…

When will you be taking your meds?

hahaha fuckin’ ha, I will live longer than you, and I won’t have to follow your patethic, sorry excuse for a life, and your pointless death.

EDIT: I will also have you know that I’ve recieved a positive rep regarding me, successfully trolling you, and as of right now I’m jacking off to jailbait as we speak.

are you the one who is a schizo sandwich clerk or the guy who steals Wiis.

I forget.

No… that makes you an EMO

Regarding your homosexual relationship with simio(whom you’ve just come to save)

are you the bitch, or the small dicked fucker with ED?

I forget.

I’m a noob, and you’re a massive douchebag with a refresh button. Go post somewhere else.

I am the one what fucked your mother…and thanks for answering.

You are the schizo.

what’s that? an emo kid could/just puta slapped you across the internet/IRL?

are you gonna cry like a little bitch? emo’s contagious, you know.

hey, I’m just trying to get you to commit suicide, that way, I’ll win the internet.

Please let us know when you’ve finished your tantrum.