Don't fall for the grapple

BJJ and all derivations of grappling and ground fighting depend on a clinch. TO prevent this, you must use tried and true stand up striking techniques, like non-technique based Wing Chun which focuses on the three gates of vulnerability to destroy the opponent seeking a clinch. Kept at bay by solid strikes, the grappler is helpless

BULL RUSH ON ggboxer!!!

If you could make future brilliance like this in Trollshido it would be much appreciated.

This is bullshit, you can’t defy the logic this methodology

Explains a lot, thanks for clearing that up, shit-wit.

Fucking Comedy Gold!

(pushups, pushups…)

I didn’t have to do the pushups so it balances out

Wow, that “I DO METH” thing was funny. How did you do that?

What about Mongolian Wrestling and my Chin-Na?

It Sucks

Dammit, I walked right into that one.

Chin-Na: The grappling art of self defense, one of the few of this nature my sifu approves


Everyone’s talking about how great Mixed Martial arts/submission fighting is, but what will they do when I throw my best chain punches? that is the $64,000 question.

Take the weak ass hits and then dump you on your empty head?

lol chain punches… kinda sounds like a street fighter move.

the “anti grapple” is a little :deadhorse if you ask me… go back to UFC1

ggboxer is a thing of beauty. :XXonlyamo
If he didn’t exist, you would have had to invent him.

So which one of the mods did?

Dude, it doesn’t take much pressure to break your nose/crush your fulcrum. You wouldn’t be in shape to do anything but moan on the floor when that happens. We WC men can’t enter most competitions because the fight would beover to quickly, and no one would want to face us, there’s nothing fancy about WC you just get crushed

you sound like the most recent tampon commercial I saw on TV… “NOW ABSORBING THAN EVER!” TAMPAX ULTRA CAN’T BE BEAT!!!

Bolster all you want, at the end of the day all you do is soak up blood and iliminate odor…

“we WC men can’t enter most competitions” "so instead we pretend to be tough and play sticky slappy hands :gaygay:

Hah! see, that’s how you people are so easy to defeat, sure sticky hands looks weak and harmless to an outside observer, but it translates into explosive force you just can’t stand up to when your on the receiving end