Don't drag this sh*t over here, kthxbye.

Don’t do it, Wolf! No tags for gutless cuckolds!

[quote=Wolf;2362560]Sorry Moose. No military tag. Requires 4 years service.

edit: whoops. missed the last part of your post.[/quote]
I might be mistaken, but I seem to recall that". . . or be active duty military" as an acceptable criteria for the military tag.

I’m not exactly a Dagon nutrider, but man oh man you Sociociders are mean.

Well, go ahead and tell me if this is worthy of a manly tag:

Lt.Co.EaA. - Sociocide


[spoiler]Dagon marries 20-year-old psycho chick:

Psycho chick leaves him for her boss, who is richer, older, and can buy her all the American Girl dolls she wants. Seriously.

Dagon is sad:


^^^ UGH!

Sorry, had to move your post too, jnp.

Guys, keep the shit in its own thread over on Sociocide.

I will never forgive you.

I got Trollshido’d and I wasn’t even trying? Allright!

Take comfort in the fact that you are able to speak your peace in locked threads, I know I do.

You misunderstand. I take comfort that I’m still worthy of being Trollshido’d.

I’m not a mindless mod drone after all!

I see. It’s your own damn fault for fanning the fire. Shame on you.

etc etc