Does this guy sound ledgit

I know this guy, some badass from Wyoming. Name is Hank.
Says that he never lost a fight, that he has been fighting all his life.
He said he was a boxer, and that most people go down with no more than two punches. The problem is that he makes wrestlers out to be bad fighters. So much so that he refuses to train them. Says that it’s easy to giutine them.
Said he has been to prison a few times for fighting.
Charges standard fees of 50 dollars per private. That’s all he does though.
Said he had a gym but lost his teaching certificate because of fighting.
It all does not add up.
I’ll admit, the guy is scary, and comes off as a badass, but it’s all fishy.
What is your take on this?

I’d sign up!

Sandbag haven’t you had a temp ban for crappy threads already?

Go read the FAQ on Bullshido.

There are no links, no legit prices, you haven’t done any research etc etc etc.

Yeah, you know, Hank, Hank, you know, THE Hank, from Wyoming. He stands about yay high, wears shirts except when he is training, has a tattoo or a few, or he might not and charges a generic amount of money to teach you his secrets that helped him survive prison. He does fight wrestlers out of public viewing, he just punches 'em twice and then GUILLOTINE’s 'em.
Such a scary badass…

[quote=battlefields;2158552]Yeah, you know, Hank, Hank, you know, THE Hank, from Wyoming. He stands about yay high, wears shirts except when he is training, has a tattoo or a few, or he might not and charges a generic amount of money to teach you his secrets that helped him survive prison. He does fight wrestlers out of public viewing, he just punches 'em twice and then GUILLOTINE’s 'em.
Such a scary badass…[/quote]

Yah, yah… I know that Hank, I trained with him back in Nam in 1973. Good man that one, was a soldier and a fighter. I remember back when we were in rehab he showed me his tat, looked something like this

That’s him! I remember he took on seventeen wrestlers at once. Punched a total of 34 times and guillotined the lot of 'em.
LEGIT as they come ole Hank!