Does ne 1 take this site seriously??


my whine begins here… ive read topics such as ‘dungeons and dragons’ ‘50 people that should die…’ and others… i thort this would define real martial arts from fakies… i just expect more questions…debates…facts…info on styles rather than forums which have NO perspective about martial arts. im quite suprised u havnt banned people from making up such irrelevant crap 2 b honest…

my piece of da pie.
jkd man

You really spent a lot of time reading the FAQ’s and searching the site, didn’t you?

Because people want to only discuss one particular topic…

Lurk more.

here’s a bad photoshop of a naked dude, to make this topic less gay.

Wait, how can you be ‘jkd man’ when you haven’t taken Jeet Kune Do before?

We hide the good shit DEEEEEP in the forum where newbies can’t see.

Sure people take it seriously, when the posts are serious.
Hell, I got drawn here by some troll such as the guy posting the first one of this thread. He started a thread that’s now at 430+ posts. And we’ve actually gotten to communicating instead of just swearing and blowing steam heh.

All the threads you mentioned are in the" General BS"-section. Bullshido’s off-topic forum. You shouldn’t really be surprised.

Oh and shame on you for using the term “ne 1”