Does anyone know what

…HockeyChick is calling herself on here? If I remember correctly, she started this site.



Why do people make ambiguous titles like this? All it does is make me click on the title, see your worthless low content topic, and fill me with endless rage.

The answer will reveal itself next to your name of the Mad Cow list.

Oh yeah… JKDchick. Hockeychick was a different poster. I’m guessing you are ADCC oldschool.

What’s so worthless about wanting to know who the old ADCC posters on here are? I remember when this site was just an idea in an adcc thread. I haven’t looked at it in 6 or 7 years, and I’m curious if its under the same management.

ruk and alter7nate: the kings under the mountain

I was digging around trying to find my original username. Who can resist an autofalatio thread?

No, go to hell. I hate it when people do that to get more thread views.

Hey JKD,

Don’t know if you remember me. I was just plain Oracle over at ADCC. I got banned over that business about Debi Percel and Olga. Anyway, just wanted to say Hi.

I’m not trying to get anything other than an answer to my question. I don’t want any frikkin views.

I don’t like you.

Nope, I’m a fairly new member I just happen to know JKDChick is the only female founder here. A bit of advice for you since it seems you’ve been away from these boards:

  1. Go to Newbietown and post an introduction about yourself
  2. Read the sticky threads, it gives a rundown on the general rules of the site
  3. Pay attention to what form you post in, people are quite particular about that here.

Don’t worry kid, it’s becoming mutual.

Will do.

Why would I get banned for asking a question?

I have to say, I find the level of anal retentive lockdown on this site unreal
I have a very long-standing interest in dragging TMA BS out into the open, so spare me the ‘just leave’ reply.

I am offended it took you this long to reply to my post.

He responds to mine rather promptly.

You just aren’t commanding enough.

were r da girl? da Hockychick. Hey it is me Oracle! Does you miss me?