Does anyone have any proof that I'm not a moron?

There’s no proof whatsoever that it’s not very effective on the street, infact thats where you need it the most as street fights require TO END QUICKLY and Dim Mak can offer this.

Fuck off . . . that is all.

Might want to google the words “burden of evidence”.

Why don’t you go try it and let us know?

Be sure to pick a large muscly guy who has lots of chi to manipulate, and have a friend videotape so you can show us.

pathetic. 2/10 troll

unoriginal, brief and unsatisfying…

cue ‘that’s what SHE said!!!’ remark


The op not g-off

If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be very important that you have proof that it DOES work?
I mean, I wouldn’t jump out of an airplane with a backpack on without checking to make sure it was a parachute.
I wouldn’t grab a random metal tank and go scuba diving without making sure it contained breathable air.
And I wouldn’t jab someone with two fingers in Liver Point 4 if they were trying to beat me to death with a tire iron without knowing it would at least KO the guy.

Dudes, I had some dim-mak tonight with some potatos. It was delicious. You throw some gravy on it and it is fabulous.

Your education is insufficient

There’s no proof whatsoever that Dim Mak works. There are a number of videos out there with gullible students falling over when the “master” touches them, but there is no video evidence of Dim Mak working on an uncooperative person. Please feel free to prove me wrong.

First someone need to prove it works in a non-compliant setting. Then you can begin to argue that it will work in something as uncontrolled as a streetfight.

We call it ‘crouching tiger, hidden finger’ over here. It got me through prison in relative luxury.

It works great, as long as you’re willing to use the street version. Most street masters prefer the big 3 street-mak attacks: Rusty shank, shod foot, and vibrating crow bar. Oh, and Millwall brick among UK pratitioners.

No emotional ranting, calling bullshido members a part of bullshido or multiple accounts to do circle jerk evidence ?

I rate your attempt to troll: Fail/10

I tried it and it doesn’t work. Do you have proof that I didn’t?

[quote=honest_truth;2216707]No emotional ranting, calling bullshido members a part of bullshido or multiple accounts to do circle jerk evidence ?

I rate your attempt to troll: Fail/10[/quote]

What would be the numerical equivalent of ‘fail’ I wonder?

This thread is now about hypotheses of the number fail…

You/10 ?

Man, it sure would be cool if dim mak worked. Sigh…

Because you’d use it on the OP?

[quote=SoylentNinja;2216714]What would be the numerical equivalent of ‘fail’ I wonder?

This thread is now about hypotheses of the number fail…[/quote]
here is my theory
In academic circles, the cut off for fail is less than 50%, sometimes 60% in places that want to be 1337

However, if you round up 45 you get 50, i assume because you are so close to passing, anything over 40% would be mentioned as it is, as an encouragement to attempt again and succeed.

However, 35 if rounded up would be 40, which is noteworthy. Thus i propose anything under 35% and over 20% would be considered fail, 10 to 19% will be Epic Fail, and if its less than 10 you should just /self.

If I had the abilities, I sure as hell wouldn’t teach them to anyone via DVDs, internet etc. I would keep it secret and dominate combat sports.

Before you learned it a proper master would teach you that it is too d34dly for the ring or demonstrations or the street or any other scenario…

I have heard it works on the street too. It’s just like too much turkey on Thanksgiving, right after eating it you pass out on the couch watching football.