Yowzer Everybody! My name is BLAPPS. I’m a newbie and have realised that my friends have been chatting about a lot of foorums in the past and i’ve been on a fair few but this one is the recurring factor when it comes to interesting talk, for real! I live in the UK and teach the dreaded Wing Chun, which i guess makes me weaker than a Barn Owls hoot. I dont mind that as it gives the exact impression I need. Martial arts ive trained in are judo, shotokan karate, chin na, shuai jiao and lately, tai chi and of course Wing Chun. i have three brothers who are also martial artists and have studied between them, boxing, aikido, jujitsu, shaolin fut gar, capoeira, tae kwon do and kali. Growing up our father taught us an obscure art called Fai yi Sao, which i think means Hands in the Wind. I’m still trying to find more history on this art to date.
When it comes to the arts i think the UFC has a lot to answer for. I think we are moving towards global meltdown when it comes to Combat Sports. The integrity is whats missing and thats why our children will tear the world apart as they have no guiding force. They only have the pursuit of ego and money now and we are suffering for it. This generation doesnt give a rats arse fart about honour and discipline. They think discipline is getting up every day at 5am to train for 7 hours and eating right! This site is called Bullshido, i found it a long, long time ago by looking for bullshit martial arts to ragg on. I didnt realise until lately that my site had been under some ‘investigation’, which was great. Would of been better to send me an email so i could retort a little sooner because 2 years sounds like a long wait!
Will we ever remember why the martial artist of yesterday used to teach morals and ethics? now they teach you a scarf hold, a boxing combination, a low mawashi geri and a few escapes from bullshit.
We can all fight, but can you teach a child about respect? Theres too much fear in the world and it shows in the UFC and other Combat Sports.
Dont get me wrong, i love to see someone get banged out like everyone else but when they start talking about martial artists and halls of fame and being a great fighter and role model, i start to feel queezy. The UFC arent the only organisation i have a problem with but they represent the state of ‘martial arts’ this century.
Anyway, i will see you in the ranks, for a good rant. Peez people!