Does anyone actually remember what else we were supposed to learn?

Yowzer Everybody! My name is BLAPPS. I’m a newbie and have realised that my friends have been chatting about a lot of foorums in the past and i’ve been on a fair few but this one is the recurring factor when it comes to interesting talk, for real! I live in the UK and teach the dreaded Wing Chun, which i guess makes me weaker than a Barn Owls hoot. I dont mind that as it gives the exact impression I need. Martial arts ive trained in are judo, shotokan karate, chin na, shuai jiao and lately, tai chi and of course Wing Chun. i have three brothers who are also martial artists and have studied between them, boxing, aikido, jujitsu, shaolin fut gar, capoeira, tae kwon do and kali. Growing up our father taught us an obscure art called Fai yi Sao, which i think means Hands in the Wind. I’m still trying to find more history on this art to date.

When it comes to the arts i think the UFC has a lot to answer for. I think we are moving towards global meltdown when it comes to Combat Sports. The integrity is whats missing and thats why our children will tear the world apart as they have no guiding force. They only have the pursuit of ego and money now and we are suffering for it. This generation doesnt give a rats arse fart about honour and discipline. They think discipline is getting up every day at 5am to train for 7 hours and eating right! This site is called Bullshido, i found it a long, long time ago by looking for bullshit martial arts to ragg on. I didnt realise until lately that my site had been under some ‘investigation’, which was great. Would of been better to send me an email so i could retort a little sooner because 2 years sounds like a long wait!

Will we ever remember why the martial artist of yesterday used to teach morals and ethics? now they teach you a scarf hold, a boxing combination, a low mawashi geri and a few escapes from bullshit.

We can all fight, but can you teach a child about respect? Theres too much fear in the world and it shows in the UFC and other Combat Sports.
Dont get me wrong, i love to see someone get banged out like everyone else but when they start talking about martial artists and halls of fame and being a great fighter and role model, i start to feel queezy. The UFC arent the only organisation i have a problem with but they represent the state of ‘martial arts’ this century.

Anyway, i will see you in the ranks, for a good rant. Peez people!

BULL RUSH ON blapps!!!

No, we can’t all fight.

Yes, we can teach children about discipline and respect, but you don’t need martial arts to teach that. It’s called parenting.

Welcome to Bullshido. Which website is yours that was in question?

EDIT: Nevermind, I just remembered who you are.

If you don’t want this kind of person to be a role model for kids, then I don’t know what to tell you.

I’m by no means a fan of the UFC, but the UFC and MMA in general have done more for the martial arts than you’re willing to give credit for.

You may or may not get grief for your post, depending on if the mods decide to move this to a “lessor moderated” forum.

I’ll give you my opinion of martial arts. I feel that martial arts CAN teach all of those things you talk about but they should not be the focal point of them. When they become the focal point, then the martial art itself takes a back seat. Once that happens, then that is when you get martial arts that can’t cut the mustard in an actual fight. It is because the emphasis was put on other things besides what it should be on, which is learning to fight. I used to be in the military. I learned a lot about honor, respect, etc, etc. It was very much emphasized. However, I still learned how to effectively kill someone from 300 meters away with a rifle. Regardless of how much emphasis was put on honor, respect, etc, etc; again, we knew what were were there to learn, and our instructors knew what they were there for to teach us.

Again, as for honor, respect, and all of that; I look at it this way. You have the v-chip, you have parental filters for computers, you have GPS for cell phones, etc, etc, etc. These are all tools to help parents, however, they are NOT a substitute for good parenting, PERIOD. If, and only if, you are either a) a bad parent or b) dealing with a child with exceptional needs, should you be searching for someone to help instill those things into your child.

Keep in mind, I fully understand that children do need structure but they find that in a lot of things like after school sports. You don’t see the basketball or baseball coach but teaching basketball or baseball on the back burner so he can teach you about honor, integrity, etc., yet for some reason, kids who do those sports learn about them just as much as any martial arts instructor.

Again, that’s my take, yours and other will be different. One of the reasons I look at it in this manner is because I hate things that try to give parents an out from being, well, PARENTS. And honestly, I see a lot of martial arts and martial arts instructors catering to this.


Why? This is a post by someone who never researched Martial Art history.

Oh and what DM said.

Too many people see Martial Arts as a form of day care, or a partial replacement to parenting. Discipline starts at home, and martial arts can only supplemental to that. To stand there and just say, UFC is the downfall of martial arts, really is just shifting the blame. Don’t get me wrong, I look at TUF and want to drown all of them, but that has nothing to do with martial arts.

That’s like me blaming the school district for my child being disrespectful to the teachers. (No, I don’t have a child)

If that happens, and that’s a big if, whose fault do you really think that would be? Would it be the people simply making a living as professional fighters, or would it be the fault of the parents who raised the children?

You do realise that professional athletes have been around for centuries, millennia even. The UFC is nothing new.

Sounds pretty disciplined to me. What do you consider discipline, standing in a line punching the air and doing forms?

How very honourable and disciplined of you.

You came here to rag on crap martial arts and found you were being investigated? Irony is a bitch isn’t it?

You mean there are martial artists teaching martial arts? The horror. Soon there will be swimming schools teaching people how to swim and driving instructors teaching people to drive. Where will it end?

The person who thinks the world is going to hell because some people fight professionally is talking about too much fear in the world?

I wish. If it was we probably wouldn’t have Choson Ninja and thousands of Chunners arguing about lineage and honour.

If you wanted your kids to learn a bit about honour and respect, etc. wouldn’t you be better off getting them involved in team sports?

I think you’re lost. Here let me help you:

Does anyone actually remember what else we were supposed to learn?

That’s a bit of a rhetorical question. But here is a start:

  1. Don’t eat carbs after 7pm.
  2. Always tip 10%.
  3. Always look both ways before crossing the road.
  4. Lift the toilet seat before urinating.

I think you’re lost. Here, let me help you:

Does anyone actually remember what else we were suppose to learn?

Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina.

You actually only tip 10%?

Weird, I thought I lost the page with that reply. Actually where I live there is already a 10% service charge on the bill. I always leave 10% on top of that, so in that respect I’m paying 20%.

Yes, I can teach MY child about respect.

I would expect his Judo teacher to be busy teaching him Judo, not pseduo-spirituality or ideas of honour and respect raped from The Karate Kid movies.

I would be more than happy if he was just teaching him how to throw, scarf hold and escape as you put it.

By the time kids are old enough to learn Martial Arts, they should know discipline, respect etc if you are a good parent. If you’re not, it isn’t really anyone else’s job to sort your kids out.

MMA, and to no small degree the UFC, has done more good for martial arts in the past ten or fifteen years than the hundred preceding it.

However, nothing can have a more positive influence on children than the parenting they receive.


I will not pay an extra 30% and spend an extra hour of my time to learn the “Fundemental Path to Ethics and Morality”.

If I wanted to pay that much per month for a sermon and an ear-beating, then I would have gone to Church, heck, it’s free for God’s sake. No pun intended.


So much ignorance and fail in this.

Riddle me this:
What qualifies a person who is a teacher of pugilistic skill able to properly develop things like ethics and morals?
If you feel they are qualified in such matters why aren’t they employed in that capacity?

I would really like to develop some sides of me that has to do with inner peace and confidence but I don’t think that I can learn it in a dojo.

If you are going to teach these things to people then you will have to get yourself straight or you will surly fail. It is common that alot of people that trains martial arts have felt insecure in periods during their childhood. This is of course not universal.
I don’t think people should try to fix other people kids if they have issues on their own.

I think that it is best to blend in. Alot of martial arts that preach about how to behave in society are from Asia. I live in Europe and alot of things are different in Europe if you compare it to Asia. These things can confuse a young and insecure individual.

I think that we should try to keep it simple. If people pursues martial arts then most likely do so because they want to learn how to fight. The logical thing would be to teach them how to fight. Friends and society will have to teach them how to behave.

“Warrior cultures” in the broadest sense do, almost invariably, maintain codes of honor. The strongest and most explicit codes are attached to close-knit, hierarchical groups such as military units, police squads and gangs - I’d suggest that’s because the codes are enforceable within those groups. If you step over the line, there are serious consequences. By extension, any top-down authoritarian situation (high schools, etc.) can enforce an honor code.

Things get murkier when you’re talking about something like a modern-day commercial martial arts school, which is typically hierarchical but has limited actual authority/ability to enforce consequences, with the exception of cults like What’s-her-name’s.

Under these circumstances, an honor code offers a set of ethical guidelines. As responsible adults, we want young students to learn self-control and to exercise judgment, and we hope that our martial arts codes of honor will simply reinforce the lessons they’ve been given by their parents and families. I’d say that this applies equally to MMA classes, more traditional MA classes or indeed any extracurricular activity. Much comes down to the personality and character of the instructor/coach as a role model.

In some cases, a martial arts honor code may offer some much-needed guidance for kids, teenagers and young adults who haven’t had the benefit of ethical instruction from their families.

A mature adult student of a commercial martial arts school is, obviously, free to decide his/her own morality, and whether an instructor chooses to teach them is obviously an individual judgment call. In these cases, an honor code is mostly useful in terms of liability; if a bad egg sneaks into the class and ends up using what they’ve learned to beat their wife or hijack a plane, the school/instructor is still able to point to the code and truthfully claim “we don’t encourage that sort of thing”, while society (via legal system, etc.) enforces the consequences.

Lemme guess…your a fat guy, am I right?