Do you masturbate in public? Well, what I mean is do you like to pleasure yourself outside of the privacy of your computer chair in your parents basement? But like when you’re working? Like one time when I was at school I wanted to play out a fantasy of my grade 10 math teacher taking me on a desk in the classroom and I didn’t think anyone was around and I whipped it out and just went at it, lol (i got sent to the office)
And today, I just had to take a break to go to the bathroom and I just starting doin’ it (m-bating) in front of the urinal because I just couldn’t take my hands off it. I still had my goggles on my head. I was practicing slipping, bobbing and weaving. I slipped, I bobbed, I weaved, I weaved too hard. My goggles flew off my head and straight into the urinal. Straight into the fucking urinal. I’m done with this shit. Besides, it’s extremely gay.
Any similar experiences? No? ______________________
LOL. This is awesome. It’s like my own personal troll or something. But please, next time give me a warning before you jump all over my nuts. I like to be prepared and such.
Me and the wife like to have the odd shag in public but bashing the bishop? not yet.
The only time i would think that id do that is something like no-mans land 1914, walking slowly towards a machine gun, know my time was probably limited.
Pissing in public, now thats a different story, i pissed on my neighbours car windscreen, the other night, it was cold and iced up a treat.
He spent ten minuits the next day scraping my frozen piss, so as he could get to work.
The little prick had it comeing to him so dont be too disgusted with me.
He hit his misses not so long back (a friend of mine and a real sweet natured girl)
and hit her hard.
Ive been making his life a misery ever since.
no she never sucked my dick, im very, very ugly, married to a stunner and i know better than to wreck what ive got (besides my wife would john wayne bobbit me).
I just like to bully bullies.
Whacking off atop of a skyscraper might be an experience, i might add that to my to do list.