I do
Once it started getting out, people started to fear me; this in itself is not enjoyable but I have gotten out of a lot of would be fights because people think I can 1-inch punch them across a football field. So why not right?
Now let it be known I do not go around saying, “Well I study Thai Boxing so your about to get your ass kicked.” It just got out some how and now kids that would kill me with their pinky, think twice.
Idk are there any stories you guys have pertaining shit like this?
I know there are down sides to letting all this get out but what do you guys tink.
This evening, I told the students in my Shakespeare college class that if I caught them texting, I’d use my jiu jitsu on them.
Guess what? NO texting!
My kids also know that if they don’t get their pyjamas on and get to bed, someone will be getting a serious kung-fuing.
No, I use my character to evoke respect.
No, I had just the opposite. Assholes wanting to pick a fight because they swore their deadly street fighting tactics would be superior to my training.
Unfortunately one prick did pick a fight. Did not go well for him.
everybody thinks I know T3h Dead1y because I study martial arts.
Nobody meses with me anymore.
I evoke fear with firearms and attack dogs. No need for jiujitsu.
Yeah, I get hell of fear and respect for the TKD black belt that I got when I was 8. Someone will kick a soccer ball, it accidentally heads for me. Last second, I stop it and now people think I’m a ninja. Half of me thinks their idiots but the other half says “Kneel before Zod!”.
No. And anyone who does is a massive wanker with self esteem issues.
I kept it quiet that I used to do martial arts when I moved into my current place three years ago, someone leaked that I had a sword and now I’m having to deal with at least one idiot a week in the pub asking how to kill someone with one finger, or a new and exciting way to cause pain to someone while shaking their hand.
Isn’t the point of learning how to fight to be able to beat up people on a whim?
I’m confused by this question.
[quote=devilboy7778;2372579]It just got out some how and now kids that would kill me with their pinky, think twice.
the keyword is kids.
I don’t do martial arts, nothing to fear.
I use crazy eyes to evoke fear.
that, and doing weights seem to make people leave you alone.
Its not fun because I’m not allowed to join in when my mates mess around and hit each other… but I suppose I’d rather that than have aggro all the time.
I pretend to have a limp, piss myself and just act like im a crazy crack addict whenever a situation arises.
I couldn’t see his face, but apparently the last guy who started a fight with me looked pretty scared while I was RNCing him.
I actually found when I was at my biggest hitting the weights wise I was a target for wogs. I’d go out and nearly every time someone with his fully sick cousins somewhere near but just out of sight would do his best to start me, dropping the shoulder, puffing the chest out and calling me out to fight. It was fun saying, “alright, let’s go” and shaping up, having his cousins all bear down on me and then watching them back off as my group of mates would step out.
It was usually the smallest wog who started the whole thing and they’d never bank on an Aussie rolling 20-30 deep, but the truth is I had some very hardcore friends and we were often the biggest group wherever we were, we just didn’t make our overwhelming presence known.
I used to just go down to the park and “creepy stare” people until the restraining orders came into effect. I thank Phil Elmore for his contribution as my creepy stare model. So hell yeah it’s the martial arts.
[quote=battlefields;2372771]I actually found when I was at my biggest hitting the weights wise I was a target for wogs. I’d go out and nearly every time someone with his fully sick cousins somewhere near but just out of sight would do his best to start me, dropping the shoulder, puffing the chest out and calling me out to fight. It was fun saying, “alright, let’s go” and shaping up, having his cousins all bear down on me and then watching them back off as my group of mates would step out.
It was usually the smallest wog who started the whole thing and they’d never bank on an Aussie rolling 20-30 deep, but the truth is I had some very hardcore friends and we were often the biggest group wherever we were, we just didn’t make our overwhelming presence known.[/quote]
WTF is a wog? I watched chopper, I heard it in that movie, is it greeks lol, seriously though who are wogs?
I’ve got news for you, if you’re going around calling people fucking wogs, they’re not the ones starting anything.
So thanks to wikipedia in Oz it’s a racist slur to Mediterranean people I think?
Battlefields I’m confused by your whole story? so are these “wogs” foreign or what, you say they won’t bank on a aussie rolling deep, from reading it, it seems to me you mean somaons cousins and all.