Do these Sprawl Shorts Make My A$$ Look Fat?

I want to like portray just the right image, and I need to know, cause I would like just die if I looked like I needed to lose 3 or 4 pounds at the next event. And, what about that Kyra Gracie cow? Is it just me or like does she look like she swallowed about a million protein shakes? I would just die if I had to wear a gi that big. So, like text me with an answer if you don’t feel like posting it here, OK? Thanks. Like Bye.

Happy April 1st.

Wrong fuckin’ forum, noob-fuckchop! This kind of crap belongs in the Waisteland. Besides, your ass would look fat no matter what you wear. :5bullwhip

Perhaps you should consider spandex. You could choke your opponent out with uncontrollable laughter just by stepping into the cage with your fat ass stuffed into spandex like some sort of hairy sausage. :wanim

< Cries >

Just go eat some chocolate bon-bons. It’ll make you feel better.

Don’t forget to purge if you don’t want it to go to your already enormous ass, though.

Thanks for the tip…

…ewww u so gross

the shorts are fine but your implants make your boobs look fake.

3moose1 liked your ass.


You’re welcome.

u r so jealous:lovestory




I think it’s actually Shotamoose… I asked Pedobear and Shotacat.

Sochin has molested the correct.

You two should be fucking ashamed of yourselfs.

I am gonna contact a Moduraytr and report this as sopme sorta TOS violashun.


Y U H8tin?

[quote=Snake Plissken;2093149]
I AM OUTRAGGED!!![/quote]

You’re on the what?
