Dmitry Medvedev - New Russian PM that does yoga... Yoga's a martial art, right??

Well, he’s not a Judo master like good old Putin. How does this bode for the state of Russia?

Set to take office May 7, 2008.

Can it get worse?

Yes it can, he does yoga.

How is this MA in the news? Shouldn’t this be on Sociocide?

Yes, not that you ought to have ANYTHING to say about posting off-topic.

I only derail in forums where it’s appropriate, & I start threads where they belong…

Not that you have anything to say about being too cowardly to put your head in a toilet…


B) I did stick my head in the toilet once, and furthermore, you got trolled

Stop derailing a thread about Yoga!

Is yoga a martial art? LOL

Does a fly love shit?

Yoga is not a martial art. That is why I would suggest Mr. Medvedev choose one.

Why do you hate America?

Why do you hate the Soviet Union?

Because I hate all Commies.

Why do you hate toilets?

In Soviet Russia, toilet sticks head in you!


What do you call it when a yoga practitioner writes insulting messages to other posters?


There are no more commies in Russia. They can only be found in L.A. now.

I wonder how cool it’d be to randori with Putin?

In Putin’s Russia, you’re either loser or traitor.