we did a quick round thru the ol’Modern Art/WTF, some of the European paintings-I do love Verneer- and the Egyptian stuff always kicks ass. But the Temple of Dendur was closed for some elitistBS-party.
Also did the Guggenheim, which is a beautiful building that manages to have the worst shows.
Its funny to walk around with a shiner, tape on the bridge of my nose and get double-takes from a Picasso conniseur standngt next to me.
Something else I forgot about training&living in NYC: people on the subway will get out of your way if you look beat-up&happy.
well folks, this is the place to post your musings and complaints about the Contemporary Art world.
Like: what the hell is “interventionism”? and why is a video-project that’s obviously derivative of Facebook/Twitted valid as an artistic venture? Christ-on-a-snowmachine!!!
Can I say that the photo expo at the MoMa was a mix between “zomg WTF I would kill to take a shot like that” and “ahh yeah I take better pictures when I am drunk and jerking off with one hand and hold the vodka bottle with the other while pressing the shutter with my cock”.
I enjoyed the Egyptian tomb and the asian swords at the MET.