Discussions about art don't belong in DHS

we did a quick round thru the ol’Modern Art/WTF, some of the European paintings-I do love Verneer- and the Egyptian stuff always kicks ass. But the Temple of Dendur was closed for some elitistBS-party.

Also did the Guggenheim, which is a beautiful building that manages to have the worst shows.

Its funny to walk around with a shiner, tape on the bridge of my nose and get double-takes from a Picasso conniseur standngt next to me.

Something else I forgot about training&living in NYC: people on the subway will get out of your way if you look beat-up&happy. :slight_smile:

That seems to be its main function, near as I can tell.

Their Indian collection is great, as are the Africa/Oceana rooms and the Islamic stuff. Certainly worth a peek if you’re into that sort of thing.

Yes, and the space allocated to their permanent collection – which includes a lot of really nice stuff – is teeny.

Certainly in mid-town. :wink:

The Met is awesome, I usually pick 1 or 2 sections cause its just too big (Then again, there is the freaking Louvre!)

Also, gotta love the Natural History Museum.

Yep, after a couple hours it’s sensory overload and diminishing returns.

Think of the chillldrun. The screaming, out-of-school childrun. Tough time of year . . . mebbe they’ll institute Adult Swim one of these nights?

/derail, sorry.

Excised from: Congrats to the other Serge - No BS Martial Arts

I loves me some museums gentlemen, but I don’t think I need to explain why these posts were moved.

Indeed; sorry.

A great thread nonetheless!

jnp, what do you think of my thread-title?

‘Your Modern Art Sucks’ would have indeed been better.

“I Doan Know Much Bout DeLaRiva Guard, But I Know What I Liek.”

Feel free to jump in, jnp; the Menil Collection is just up the road apiece and very impressive itself.

well folks, this is the place to post your musings and complaints about the Contemporary Art world.

Like: what the hell is “interventionism”? and why is a video-project that’s obviously derivative of Facebook/Twitted valid as an artistic venture? Christ-on-a-snowmachine!!!

Isn’t the Michael Bolton and the grappling ghey enough you need to ghey it up even more with an art discussion?


I mean, yes!

Um . . . Burma!

what should we talk about then? Jennifer Aniston’s new movie?

(LA fa66it…)

Can I say that the photo expo at the MoMa was a mix between “zomg WTF I would kill to take a shot like that” and “ahh yeah I take better pictures when I am drunk and jerking off with one hand and hold the vodka bottle with the other while pressing the shutter with my cock”.
I enjoyed the Egyptian tomb and the asian swords at the MET.

Manet or Monet?

No cheating, now!

I’m weak on Impressionism but I say Manet.


I think you are wrong…

The Other Other Santa: Manet what, exactly?

c4t5: What is your guess?

Ed Manet “A Sunny Afternoon Picnicing while the Plebians Starve”…something like that.

So you’re saying Manet painted this, correct?