I have a dilemma. I am studying petroleum engineering. I will make good money if I graduate, but I am miserable where I live now.
The thing is that I live in a very small city and there ain’t really any places I can go to have fun. I spend alot of my time in front of the computer. I think that it makes me miserable that I spend so much time in front of the computer, but I can’t really go anywhere to have fun. It feels like I am in a freaking prison.
I think that I kind of have tried to sabotage my own studys lately. I will be kicked out from the university if I fail in enough subjects. However I got my grades back today and I didn’t fail enought to be kicked out.
I have a girlfriend. She moved after me to this place even though I told her not to. I like cuddeling with her. she is nice… but I think I got a different view on live than her. She wants to grow old…buy a house… make some kids… and just rotten away. We usually go to the cinemas and stuff like that and I hate that. I think it is so fucking boring. she is beautiful but she is boring to be with.
I talked to a friend of me about this. He sugjested that I should move back to the place I lived before. I would really like that. He even offered to help me. I have had problems with eating properly and sleeping the last year and suddenly I had an apatiete again. It was like my life had a purpose again.
I will probably get a good future, If I stay in this hell hole and I graduate in a couple of years. My familie expects it from me. But I feel horrible. I hate mylife right now and I am not the kind of person that usually wine.
I might make a good future for myself if I move to and I really want to do it. I would loose alot of money considering the time and money I have used to study petroleum. It would break my girlfriends hearth if I moved, but I am breaking my own hearth everyday where I am now.
Reasons for not moving:
I will loose alot of money and resources. Considering all the time I have spent on this + that I will probably not educate myself for anything else that will pay as good as petroleum engineering.
I will break my girlfriends heart.
I am afraid of leting go of my life even though I hate it.
Reasons for moving
I really want to.
I am depressed right now. I think it will be better if I move.
I think that you and I are in the same boat (minus the significant other thing).
The only advice I can give you is to bite the bullet and finish up. I just fucked up this semester royally. I have a 3.9 right now, which I’m sure is about to get demolished when this semester is done. You don’t want to go down that path.
A couple of things: first, keep studying - moving home to live in your parent’s basement forever just because you are bored now is stupid. Alternatively, transfer your credits and study somewhere else. People do that all the time.
Second, sounds like you have a classic case of ‘starter girlfriend.’ If the relationship is stale, and promises nothing but a life of repetition, it’s time to pack it in and confront the misery. In 12 months you’ll be fine and she’ll have a totally hot boyfriend who doesn’t whine and has a way better car than you.
Third, are you sure petroleum engineering is the right course for you? You sound more like a musical theater kind of guy to me. Have you considered modern jazz dance at all?
Rancid: Before you make any major decisions, you need to deal with the fact that you are probably clinically depressed. Go to see someone immediately while there is still time to save your semester. Later, when you have a clearer head, you can decide what’s best for your future.
This is the thing. I think that I am depressed because of things around me. I belive that my depression will go away If I can get the pressure of me and live a place where it will be easier to enjoy life.
this thing about my girlfriend is pain full. I love her but I am not happy in my current situation. I want more out of life.
I will not move to my moms basement either;) I will simply move to a place where I have alot of old friends and I will get a job… I don’t have to worry about student loan the first 6 months. I will get into a new collage this summer… It is just that I am afraid.
All this well hearted advice, can’t you let a person make his own mistakes? Where do you think all those underpaid service employees come from? I say drop it, pick up a drug habit and die by OD at the age of 37… :evil6:
Unless everyone around you is as unhappy as you are the chances are that its you and not the place. Getting some counseling is an excellent idea, probably the best thing you can do. If you are pursuing the Petro gig for any reason beyond actually wanting to be in that field I would recommend you stop. Great pay only takes you so far. A lot of your credits could go towards a degree in something you actually want to do and changing horses at this stage will be easier than when your deeper in the stream (I have a friend who had a Masters in Computers that is retraining in Physical Therapy at 40). Taking a few days to take a road trip, get a change of scenery and clear your head might be a good idea. Definately talk to someone though. Hopefully this is just a short bad patch and you come out much better on the other side. Good luck.
Life is about royally suffering for long periods of time just so a little bit of that suffering comes back and slowly makes you more comfortable.
Just do what I do and hate the shit out of everything that makes your life suck and use that as fuel to achieve so you can laugh in their faces later. It should work.
first of all, no you dont love her or the thought of leaving her wouldn’t enter your mind. shes hot and shes probably good for a fuck and because youre young, thats enough for a relationship to work. but you dont love her. dont BS yourself.
moving elsewhere doesnt make shit better. dont try the “if i move elsewhere bla bla things will get better” cos its bollocks. go see someone who can help you with depression.
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume English is your second language. Otherwise, your horrible spelling would lead me to believe you probably aren’t cut out to finish college anyway. I’m not usually one to rag on people’s internet spelling, but dude, it’s really bad.
If English is your second language, which I’m assuming, then your English is pretty damn good. Probably way better than my Swahili, or German, or whatever the fuck your first language is.
Okay, moving on - stop being a pussy. School can be hard. Do it anyway. If you quit, I promise you will regret it later. You can suck it up and learn to be a winner, or you can give up and learn how to be a loser.
As far as your girlfriend goes - it really doesn’t matter. All women will eventually turn your life into a hellish nightmare. Keep her if you want or kick her to the curb. Make your life with her or someone else. Whatever. Just don’t be all emo about it, and don’t fucking quit school.
OK I am going to give you some advice and I am going to give it too you like getting hit by a Mac truck.
Finish school and get rid of the girl. If you are not happy with her and you don’t want her around tell her. Stop being a pussy and be honest.
You are in your 20s and need to grow the fuck up. Getting an education is more important than anything else. I don’t care if its general studies degree get one. Next semester lower you course load and take it a little slower.
Learn to deal with the shit because next week the kick in the balls that life is going to gie you will suck even worse.
Go get some exercise. IF your physically able to get off your ass and do something. All the hormones released during exercise are a great way to cope with the blues.
Clean the fucking pigsty you live in. Mold and other shit can effect you in bad ways.
Get a hobby besides beating off. Painting or models or drawing or something constructive is always the best.
And listen to what Coach josh said. Nothing clears the mind and improves your overall outlook like good hard exercise. Too broke? Nonsense. Google parkour and/or freerunning. Or go run some bleachers.
Judging from your grammatical/spelling errors, I can not for the life of me understand how you are managing an engineering workload. Also, I sincerely hope you don’t live in northern Alberta.
You need to dump the girlfriend. You’re being cruel by leading her on and you’re being incredibly disrespectful of her, which hopefully I don’t have to point out.
If you are really willing to ruin your education because you have some unpleasant feeling, you really need to reevaluate your life.
If you really are depressed, go to the doctor. If the doctor concludes you aren’t chemically inbalanced, get a grip.
added note… before dumping your “beautiful” girlfriend you need to take some naked pictures of her & post them on Bullshido. In order to give you accurate advice we need to evaluate your definition of beautiful.