“Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” -Abraham Lincoln
“What did you say?”
“Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.” -Abraham Lincoln
“What did you say?”
I’d like to fight Sarah Palin. Or Queen Boudicca. With lots of vegetable oil.
And when I am finished with him, The Batman!
You guys know nothing of badass presidents. Andrew Jackson, the sonofabitch on our 20 dollar bill, fought duels with guns WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. He left a bullet in his arm for over a decade, and when he finally had it taken out of his arm he presented it as a gift to the guy that shot him with it.
Lincoln was a pussy compared to Jackson.
I’d challenge Bodidharma to a MMA match and then go tomoe nage on his ass
[quote=zaohu;2212077]You guys know nothing of badass presidents. Andrew Jackson, the sonofabitch on our 20 dollar bill, fought duels with guns WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. He left a bullet in his arm for over a decade, and when he finally had it taken out of his arm he presented it as a gift to the guy that shot him with it.
Lincoln was a pussy compared to Jackson.
Jackson also brutally beat a man with his cane for having the audacity to try and assassinate him.
It’s kind of unfortunate that the killer failed, because if the US ever had a president who needed to be assassinated, it was Jackson.
[quote=zaohu;2212077]You guys know nothing of badass presidents. Andrew Jackson, the sonofabitch on our 20 dollar bill, fought duels with guns WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. He left a bullet in his arm for over a decade, and when he finally had it taken out of his arm he presented it as a gift to the guy that shot him with it.
Lincoln was a pussy compared to Jackson.
Haha…i remember hearing about that. I can sense the next “badass of the month”
[quote=jesu christo;2211752]YouTube - Abraham Lincoln Kicks *ss[/quote]LMAO@The soldier
If you lick 'em, you’ll be my friend for life!
This is how Lincoln really died
YouTube - MadTv-How Abraham Lincoln Really Died!(Uncut)
The Lincoln part will eventually show up, pretty funny
It was quite popular among presidents, I guess.
Although, I’m not how many of those quotes can be verified, it’s still pretty interesting.
Also, I wanna fight Buddha. The big fat one. With lots of vegetable oil.
[quote=turok;2212177]This is how Lincoln really died
YouTube - MadTv-How Abraham Lincoln Really Died!(Uncut)
The Lincoln part will eventually show up, pretty funny[/quote]
I remember that! Does that show still come on?
EDIT: So everybody knows, its not really a Mad TV skit like this says, its from “The Whitest Kids You Know”
[quote=zaohu;2212396]I remember that! Does that show still come on?
EDIT: So everybody knows, its not really a Mad TV skit like this says, its from “The Whitest Kids You Know”[/quote]
Not sure, I dont remember the show that much but this part was pretty hilarious…I wonder if I seen the show before btw nice smile :icon_rr:
[quote=zaohu;2212077]You guys know nothing of badass presidents. Andrew Jackson, the sonofabitch on our 20 dollar bill, fought duels with guns WHILE HE WAS IN THE WHITE HOUSE. He left a bullet in his arm for over a decade, and when he finally had it taken out of his arm he presented it as a gift to the guy that shot him with it.
Lincoln was a pussy compared to Jackson.
Presidents like Lincoln and TR are badasses you can be proud of, though. Andrew Jackson was… well, crazy.
TR vs Putin.
Dream Match anyone? Brings back America vs Russia and all of those outdated cliche’s
Who knows if this is true but at the bottom it also talks about how Andrew Jackson charged at a guy with two guns
O_O he is lucky they were old guns
This is America. Crazy is what we do. Got a problem with that? :XXsmoker:
[quote=sandbag2;2211683]He was the best fighter in his town. And a champion catch wrestler in his day. He was very strong and lift twice the amount of a sack of coal than that of an average man.
When he pounded railroad spikes, he was the strongest man, and best at pounding them in harder.
I think some of that was because he was taller than most of the people.[/quote]
i did not know any of this.
however i did know that moose’s mom’s presidential name is BABEraham lincoln!
Piff, no one is as bad ass as Jackson, he just killed mother fuckers and then went home and smoked crack, fact
I’d fight moses. Personal reasons.
Abraham Lincoln was a local champion wrestler, and won command of his military unit in a wrestling match.
Abraham Lincoln apparently smoked some hemp, but he also took a nasty opiate tincture which was prescribed for his depression. It was apparently a mixture of various depressants dissolved in alcohol. Probably not a great way to treat depression.
Lincoln was no duelist, but he was smart enough to avoid duels without accepting dishonor. He accepted one challenge, but as the challenged party, was allowed to choose the weapons and rules. He chose long, two-handed European swords that were reportedly difficult to find in central Illinois, and set out a fighting ground bordered by two logs. Neither man was allowed into the area between the logs. His opponent looked over the ground on the day of the duel and figured out quickly that Lincoln would be able to reach out and get him with the sword, while he would be unable to reach Lincoln at all (probably Lincoln was ready to help him figure this out–and if he hadn’t, it’s likely Lincoln would have tried to draw blood and offer his opponent a chance to accept his apology.) The opponent changed his mind and decided to accept Lincoln’s apology in lieu of “satisfaction” and everyone went away happy, or at least un-punctured.