Did any Bullshidoka post this trolljob?

I’ve been lurking on MAPS since about 4 a.m. in the morning and some kid with the handle futh started this thread: http://martialartsplanet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74803&page=1&pp=15

I swear I recognize this trolling style. I almost want to say it’s my archnemsis, Spathophile.

But I don’t know, while the trolljob is rather poor it still seems alittle above his brow.

Anyway, does anyone know this trolling style?

That trolljob was garbage.

I thought a trolljob was when you recieve a sexual favor from a homeless person who lives unde a freeway overpass.

This one was better, but only slightly.


This is the first time I’ve heard that. That kind of sounds like more fun though.

The guy knows too much to act so stupid. He plays all the right games for a troll… so the odds stack up that he is a troll. Don’t they check IPs to catch the lame ass bastards over there?

From what I know there is a lot of screening that goes on when you sign up to be a new member. What you have to remember is that considering the kind of people who have surf the net and visit MAP and such sites, this guy could easily have been non - troll.

Can you troll MAP? surely they just believe you and give you a pat on the back.

Don’t dis t3h MAP. MAP is t3h real forum.

Do they delete accounts over there for inactivity? I had an account over there with like two posts back in the dark ages - neither of them even remotely offensive, then tried to log in recently to see what was going on over there, and my account was gone. AND I couldn’t re-register.

I was shocked, to say the least.

Dear god… only at post #69 did they realise it was a trolljob. On here you’d have 3 pages of “fucking wanker - go away” and then the thread would die. Over there you have every other thread getting locked :confused:

I’m not sure… I think they do though, and add “moved on” to the user title. I don’t know what’s gonna happen to mine though… I’m the “arcade duckhunt champion” so what happens to that title? :smiley:

What’s your username, out of interest? I’ll have a look. They don’t delete the accounts, they just stick “moved on” as the title and disable them. your 2 posts will still be there!!!

lol @ Duckhunt. That’s awesome.

My user name would probably be either the same as here, or “Istok” (without the quote marks) - that’s my real name.

Haha yeah I’m quite proud myself :slight_smile: See the pic below… I’m not shitting you :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll have a look to see if you have the “moved on” tag :slight_smile:

Thanks mate.