dear mods...or why Broken Fingers is a moron.

I seem to have missed the sticky that warned members that posting a link for would result in dignity-removal.

is there a link or explanation as to why I must wear this avatar of shame?

What dignity?

Sticky? No, we just hate Ebaumsworld that much.

And I’ve posted such like, 20238048234 times. Fuck them.

I tried to warn him … but nobody listens to me .

Which reminds me , this one time at band camp .

ok, I promise never to post ebaum again. now take this off please.

Then we should remove your avatar of shame and let this thread you just started reminding everyone of your ownage die and not breathe another word of this to anyone?

Is that what you are trying to convey?

BF doesn’t listen to anyone. I guess he doesn’t believe he can get a prema-ban.

huh? I don’t remember him warning me.

We should not revel in the pain of others; that would be wrong.

I’d be inclined to believe that coming from anyone but you.

Well I listen to you and JNP when you tell me something at least.

At first I thought he was trolling with that too big avatar.

Please stop posting in this thread cause when you do, it just brings all the pain and humilation rushing back to BF like so much first date erectile disfunction.

Explain how this helps BF?

Oh yeah it doesn’t.

Kid you just need to post reasonably from now on. You must contribute to threads with useful commentary instead of typing to just raise your post count. Then Phrost will surely remove your avatar. Basically engage in more civil discussions on this forum.

Was that better?

I’ll put it back to “normal” later.

I doubt it. Since Reese asked I’ll stop posting in this thread.

This is some funny shit! Make him wear it for a while Phrost! Like 6 months should do.

Yes, bringing this thread to the top over and over is like rubbing a bruised clitoris.

I didn’t know you were capable of such amounts of cruelty… not that I’m complaining :thumbsup: