Wow way to be jerks about my post. I’m so sorry I refused to name names, maybe if you feared for your families safety you wouldn’t either. Go to hell…
I’m glad you saw the light and jumped off, and happy that you seem to practise something worth your time and effort.
Please give us names of the school and the teacher. If a Bullshido member lives in the area, chances are he/she can check the school out.
To be honest, no i won’t give any names because I have no idea what sort of repercussions there would be. The individual in question can be seriously unbalanced and I have no idea how he would react if I did give details. Besides which, the school will never take off anyway. there will never be anymore than a few students, who will eventually move on as they have in the past and basically leave the school to start over. I think it’s better to just let it die as usual, maybe one day he’ll work out why students keep leaving…
After you.
If you are not willing to make an attempt to fight fraud and just want to spout and get something off your chest, there are plenty of sub-forums here. MABS is not the right sub-forum for your post. Feel free to post in those sub-forums.
way to go, mr dux
Feel free to post in those sub-forums.
Or call Dr. Phil
Maybe we could guess the name.
Is it Rumplestiltskin? I always guess that one first just in case.
Is it William? Will? Bill? Liam? Am I getting warmer? Huh?