Dear Bullshido Phrost...

I have addressed you on youtube as well. My name is Karen Winn. I was directed to your posts on youtube by a friend. Let me start by saying the parapalegica capoeria video was repulsive.
My nephew was wound in Iraq in 2005, He is now confined to a wheelchair. He was a martial artist prior to his injuries and hopes to someday practice once again in some form.
After looking at many of your videos on youtube and looking over your web site, all I can say is shame on you, your moderators, and many of the posters on this site.
My nephew had the opportunity to meet a couple of fighters from the Ultimate Fighting Champions. I judged by what he said about them and from the pictures he shared with us that these were big, tough men. They hug my nephew signed autographs for him and took several pictures and videos with him. They did not make fun of him or the styles of martial arts he practiced.
I know very little about martial arts or fighting but I know this no one on this site is anything but bullies and cowards. Unemployeed jerks that spend all their time making fun of children and handicap people. Mr. BullshidoPhrast you make me sick!
Remember, my nephew and many others like him sacraficed their lives and their bodies so you would have the freedom to sit here and make parapalegic jokes.
I sincerely hope you never run across anyone who is a real fighter that agrees with me that you are anything but funny!

Karen G Winn


Must try harder.

Your conscience and sensibilities can rest easy, I meant to use the word “Epileptic” instead.

Couldn’t think of it at the time.


This is… lame. Yah… lame. That’s the right word, I think.

Someone made fun of the handicapped?! On the internet?! Well this should be dealt with extremely seriously. Take him away boys.

Lefty’s last name is Wynn?

Who raped a disabled person,

for shame!

Karen Lose

A.K.A. - Karen Phail

Was a sockpuppet of another account anyway.

I’m shocked. :rolleyes:

Well if he did it so I can make paraplegic jokes then surely i should be making paraplegic jokes?

Q. What do you tell a woman in a wheelchair?
A. Nothing, she’s already been told.

Q. What do you call a Paraplegic in a leaf pile?

A. Russel

so this has now become a joke thread, Huzzah!

Q: What do you do when an epileptic has a seizure in a hot tub?

A: Add soap and clothes.

How do you turn a dishwasher into a snow plow?

Give her a shovel.

Q. What do you call a one-legged girl?

A. Eileen

Q. Why do brides wear white?

A. So the dishwasher will match the rest of the appliances.

What do you call a quadrapelgic in a hot tub?


Q. What do you call a Jackass who uses sockpuppet accounts to make shitty posts?

A. blackirish/KarenWynn

Q. What does blackirish call a one eyed, one legged, hooker?

A. Mom

Q. What do you call a Jackass who uses sockpuppet accounts to make shitty posts?

A. blackirish/KarenWynn

HUh? I would at least like to know what I am being accused of what is a sock puppet asshole!