Ok, since there’s alot of Martial BS about this subject let’s make a thread to clear it up.
I’ll edit the OP to update the list. Only documented stuff here, Dim Mak need not apply without proofs!
Ok so here are the known r34L:
Snapping the neck
A choke held for a while after unconsciousness.
Kick to temple when down.
Your standard KO.
Choke KO.
Liver KO.
Winding someone.
Breaking/dislocating a major joint.
Breaking a rib.
Popping someone’s eye out.
Ballstrike (male obviously).
Kidney strikes
Spear hand
Trachea strike
So what else is out there that is confirmed or at least debatable?
Where does a cut above the eye or bloody nose fall under? debilitating or debatable? What about an “Impeding” catagory, since while it might not debilitate somebody, it can limit their ability to fight effectively.
I don’t understand the difference either. Could a ‘debilitating’ technique be deadly if done with a lot of force? If you keep hitting someone (TKO) they’ll eventually die, right?
Debilitating means stopping their ability to harm you. Deadly means stopping their ability to continue breathing.
Impeding? Any technique is impeding. Compare how you felt at the beginning of the fight to when you got a couple knocks to the head later…
Let’s try to stay on topic please? And this is also only empty hand techniques. A cat could be technically extrapolated to be a weapon!
I just came up with another debilitating one, a broken rib. Broken ribs suck pretty bad and I didn’t want to fight after I’ve had one of mine broken. It takes a hell of alot of force though.
Anyone able to clarify kidney strikes to me or similar? My SEAL friend once retorted when I asked him to show me something:
“I can hit you in a certain spot and make you piss or shit yourself. How would you like that?”
They are exclusive in that you may not always want to kill someone. And you may not want to cause someone irreperable damage either.
See the difference? Got it? Good!
The reason I started this thread is because there is ALOT of BS on this subject in MA. So having a list of real deadly and debilitating techniques at hand could be useful when comparing to someone’s so and so new “totally lethal” system.