DEA agent shoots self in leg during gun-safety class Video

Its probably old but here’s the video

dn work

But he finished the lecture!

Which makes me think it was part of the lecture, especially when he tied it back in by saying “see: it can happen to anybody”.

But who knows.

Totally priceless. I like how when he goes for the rifle all the kids go “NOOO!”

It’s a basic gun safety rule to always assume an “unloaded” weapon is in fact loaded until you check it yourself. Gun safety expert my ass.

Why would a Fed be a “gun safety expert?” Especially since they practically never use them.

*P.S. A lot of Federal agencies, especially the FBI, do goofy things because most of their time is spent undercover or in offices drinking coffee. Rarely do they draw the weapons, let alone shoot anyone with them.

*P.P.S. I’m only kidding. A little.

I’ve had one encounter with the feds so far.

About 12 of them stationed at our PD to serve a warrant on some counterfeiter. They did, in fact, bring a jug o’ Coffee and donuts a’ plenty.

I was like “Ok. Don’t we do these warrant thingies almost everyday with like two guys?”

It must have been novel.

They probably just liek to live up to the stereo type of 30 feds breaking down your door, etc.

Why is it that after posting 830 times, you’re still so terrible at it?

I think Kabar has it, but I’ll add to it. This piece of shit was on the Kiddie Tour because his bosses wrote “FUCKTARD” in magic marker in his file jacket. They figured that off the street he could not harm anyone. Should have disarmed this fuck when they sent him on the shit detail.

What does he say? “I’m the only one in the room competent enough . . .” What’s the rest of that? Bullet could have ric’d into those poor kids.

Simply priceless. Next time some fucking blissninny moron tells me out how only the police can safely handle firearms I’ll send them this.

Hobble hobble
Now where was I? Yeah! Gun Safety!
