DAYoung, if you are trying to replace Dr. X, you've got a long road ahead of you.

Damn right.

I’ve had to put up with a cheap 50s retro chair for my home study, when I really should have a cedar colonial design to match the bookcase.



I have a threadbare beanbag and a crappy worn out office chair…


Mine’s a worn-out office chair.

From the 50s.

Then you’re definitely mistaken.

We’re all very important, and certainly dignified.

Particularly me.

I second DAYoung’s importance.

Hear, hear.

U iz baldy nerd lol

Culled from:

What did happen to Doc X? did he just decide to stop posting?

He didn’t care for the GIANT VAG tag the staff so graciously bestowed upon him.

It’s all in here:

Comparing DAY to X is absurd and offensive.

I think you owe someone an apology.

You’re absolutely right.


I’m sorry for digging up that thread link. You didn’t deserve it.

Thanks… that squid idea was always kinda weak - 75 pages to get to the freakout.

But I appreciate you pointing me in the right direction…

Hey, where is Doctor X these days anyway? Havent seen him in ages and ages?

:blob9: :gay: