By popular demand (well mr Badguy actually) i have created this thread.
It’s not easy dating or interacting with girls nowadays, the 21st century can be somewhat confusing.
How to behave?
Be a manly man?
Or a metrosexual?
What DO women want anyway?
How should you respond if your date starts talking about her ex?
Well, for all these kind of things you can turn to me, uncle Lebell.
Don’t forget, im not only European, im also a GIANT douchebag so im pretty popular with women.
Lebell, obviously these two fine gentlemen are too shy to come out and ask you for help and advice. I’d suggest picking one of those topics and begin to share your tips and tricks.
I’ve found that even the most elusive women simply can’t resist the glitz and glamor of Extreme Martial Arts. Every time I want to pick up chicks I go to the mall and do back fliping nun chuck tricks in the food court. It’s a surefire way to get layed… Hard Core!!!
Personally, I think my most meaningful relationships came from the ones where we were really good friends first. I don’t see why guys dread that so much.
so you really dig her but she uses you as a brother/friend to whine about her asshole boyfriend?
solution is easy: don’t do anything friend like.
so if she starts whining about him sort off tell her that nobody forced her to pick him as a boyfriend and that you dont have time right now because you’ll be having a date with some random girl later on that day.
a date later on tha day.
its works two ways: she realises you’re not exclusive, you’re starting to see someoneelse, and its later on that day.
sense of urgency.
basic scam routine.
then you say, if you like lets hook up over the weekend and i’ll take you to insert whatever to take your minds of things.
don’t co-operatein the whinefest, that way she willl asociate you as a listening person, instead make her associate you with fun things.
while doing fun things make a remark like: too bad he doesnt do these things with you, it is really nice to hang out with you.
then get her drunk and at least try to get some fingers in there!!!
How exciting is a shoulder to cry on, Moosey? Not exciting at all. Realize that what women say they want and what they’re biologically hardwired to want are two different things.
You’re demonstrating lower value by listening to her problems and being patient and sweet. You are sending the signal of your being below her on the social ladder.
He’s a jerk, but he’s demonstrating higher value by not caring about her feelings, and acting like he’s doing her a favor just hanging out with her.
She’s biologically inclined to be attracted to the man of higher value. It’s sexual selection at its most basic. Because natural selection favors the genes that she mixes with the sexually successful guy, rather than you. Go to the library and check out their copy of “The Red Queen” by Matt Ridley if you care to know the science behind it.
Moosey, give up on whoever the girl is, and make sure u dont hit the friendship zone again. Be an asshole, be that asshole boyfriend, thats what they all end up with? so it obviously gets results.
By this I dont mean treat her like shit, just dont suck up her ass, be confident and on the borderline of cocky, and dont pussyfoot around about the fact you want one thing.
The friend-girl, it’s possible to bring them around after being a total wimp, but totally not worth the effort, when you’ve tapped all her friends who you’re yet to fuck it up with, she’ll come chasing after you with her pants around her ankles.
Earlier tonight I talked a girl into agreeing (tentatively) to me jerking off on her chest while she masturbates and I choke her. This way none of our naughty bits are touching so it’s not really cheating. You fagots need to be asking me for advice.