Given your school’s pitiful, pussing out to my alma mater tonight (that is, in the second half. We shall not speak of the Dark Time of the First Half), I think you should fight to avenge your cheerleaders’ honor, being that it was promptly sullied following the game by our band geeks.

In short,



Uh oh…

Where’s that damned popcorn eating emoticon? :frowning:

  • long pregnant pause *

  • crickets chirp …and owls hoot in the darkness *


Did anybody ring the Gong Sau bell? I don’t think that he heard it.

BELL!? You’d think it would be a GONG.

Yeah, but saying Gong sau Gong is too repetitive, so I chose a synonym.

Well that’s no fun.

Trollshido isnt what it used to be …

BJJ is t3h gh3y.

Someone should go check to see if he’s got a pulse.