
Just cute…

Thoughts below.

Now the title of the “bullshido” forum has been changed but the web page title has reverted back.

It continues to change. “Boyd” is becoming like an easter egg on the site. look for it.

Here it is.


Personally as someone that has boyd on ignore I really don’t care to have his nick plastered on my screen

Was just gonna post it. Wanker face.

Originally posted by Sharlintier
Personally as someone that has boyd on ignore I really don’t care to have his nick plastered on my screen

Haha! You said plastered!! I’m out of Keith’s :frowning:

Originally posted by Sharlintier
Personally as someone that has boyd on ignore I really don’t care to have his nick plastered on my screen


Originally posted by Sharlintier
Personally as someone that has boyd on ignore I really don’t care to have his nick plastered on my screen

Really? So I could say something like JIMMY HOFFA IS BURIED DEEP WITHIN THE CONFINES OF SHAR’S CUNT and she’d never know? Awesome!